Enable’s Finance App functionality will enable you to record and track payments received from trading partners against Enable-calculated program line earnings, including tracking aged debt. It significantly enhances Enable’s ability to manage the end-to-end process of negotiation, accounting and cash collection for rebate contracts.
The objectives of the Finance App are to allow you to:
- Review a summary of the due and overdue rebate earnings, grouped into aged time periods.
- Record rebate payment receipts and allocate them to one or many payment lines.
- Record ‘unallocated’ payments against a trading partner, ready to be allocated at a later date.
- Adjust earnings for a program line to account for an underpayment or overpayment.
- Browse payment history and reverse payment allocations.
- Delete unallocated payments and undo earnings adjustments.
- Download the debtors report, the payment allocation report and the payment history report.
- Capture finance-related activities in the activity log.
Each section of the Finance App is summarised below.
Debtors report
The debtors report allows you to browse and filter a list of trading programs in order to provide a summary of the due and overdue rebate, grouped into aged time periods per trading program.
Payment allocation
The payment allocation report of the Finance App provides an overview of earnings, payments, adjustments and resulting balance per payment line.
Within the Payment allocation section of the Finance App you will be able to:
- Record payments when rebate has been paid.
- Allocate the recorded payments to specific payment lines.
- Leave a received payment as unallocated, ready to allocate at a later date.
- Apply an adjustment to the rebate earned across one or many payment lines.
- Edit ‘Externally calculated’ program lines.
Payment history
The payment history report allows you to browse and filter a log of payments, allocations and adjustments for one or many trading partners.
You can find out more information about this topic, or ask any queries, by booking an appointment with a member of our Customer Success team.
If you would like the Finance App enabled, please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager.