The list below provides a high-level description and responsibilities of the different roles required from your team during onboarding. These roles can vary depending on your resource availability and level of expertise. What is key, is that whoever is part of your project team can be available throughout onboarding, has sufficient time for testing, and has the required knowledge and expertise.
Project Sponsor / Programme Lead
The Project Sponsor is ultimately responsible for the onboarding program, including timelines, objectives, and scope. They typically own the company business case and will be responsible for the relationship going forward. They will likely not be involved in the weekly project meeting, but rather have separate regular catch-ups with the Customer Success Manager.
Project Manager / Project Lead
The Project Manager will be responsible for managing your resources to ensure the timelines, set out by the Project Sponsor and captured in the onboarding plan, can be met. They typically chair and organize the weekly project meeting together with your Implementation Lead. The Project Manager will need to assign, organize and motivate your onboarding team, throughout the onboarding process.
Commercial Stakeholder
Your project team should include at least one key stakeholder from your team who will negotiate your rebate agreements. They will be the go-to person for any questions the Onboarding team might have about the trading agreements from the chosen 5 trading partners or customers. They will review the Configuration Blueprint to ensure your trading programs can be represented within Enable. Once your Enable channel is configured, they will be responsible for setting up the deals for your chosen 5 trading partners in Trading programs.
Finance Stakeholder
Your project team should also include at least one stakeholder who will review your rebate earnings. They will be responsible for keeping your financial reporting requirements at the forefront of any configuration decisions. Their input will be required once the trading programs have been set up by the Commercial Stakeholder, to review the resulting earnings in Trading programs.
Data Lead
The Data Lead will be responsible for providing the data (both primary and transaction) to populate Trading programs. It is important that they are involved throughout onboarding to ensure that the data can be provided in the required format. The Data Lead will also be required to manage the data imports in the long run.
We will provide you with the data templates needed to import this data to Enable.
Main admin user
We recommend that you assign someone to be the main admin user of Enable. This person will be responsible for the day-to-day use of the system both during onboarding and once you are fully up and running. This is likely to be someone in of the roles defined above, but it is good to ensure that one person manages Enable on your side, including the set-up of users, and Collaborators. Enable can then contact the main admin user for any day-to-day technical queries about your system.