The Claim generation page allows your team to easily generate one-off claims, schedule multiple claims using a specific frequency, and create claims involving multiple agreements.
Ad-hoc claims can be be generated for one-off events, e.g. to collect promotional or marketing support, allowing your team the flexibility to manage new claims when required.
This article will guide you through how to generate a claim.
Looking for something else?
- Looking to sign off an existing claim? Learn how to approve a claim here.
- Alternatively, see our Help Center for more on Claims.
To generate a new claim:
Step 1: Within the Claims app, click on Claims in the green banner at the top of the page.
Step 2: Click on Claim generation in the drop-down menu.
Tip: Alternatively, click on the Generate claims tile in the Dashboard.
Step 3: Enter the following details:
- Name: Type a name for your claim. Alternatively, leave blank if only selecting one agreement, for the claim to pre-generate a name.
- Partner: Type to search the name of the trading partner you wish to generate a claim for, and select the relevant partner.
- Agreements: Select one or more agreements you wish to generate the claim for. Agreements available to select from will be based on the selected partner.
- Frequency: Select the required frequency in the frequency drop-down. Frequencies available to select from will be based on the Settings hierarchy configured.
- Grace period: Enter a number of days to extend the time after the claim’s end date before the claim is calculated. Tip: Use this period to ensure transactions are correctly loaded into Enable before the claim is generated.
Step 4: If you have selected a frequency of One-off, also select an End date. If the end date is not within the dates of the selected agreement(s), the latest agreement end date will be used.
Step 5: Review the Preview section to ensure the results are as expected. Claims will display as green if calculations will be processed now, or blue if claims calculations will be scheduled.
Step 6: Click the Save button.
What’s next?
Ready to learn more about managing claims? Learn how to prioritize actions via the claims dashboard here.
Interested in viewing more of your claims? Learn how to filter claims via the listing here.