Workflow roles are the job titles/roles of the people in your organization involved in the approval workflow process, i.e. the users in your organization who are required to sign off a trading program or authorize a payment.
Workflow roles are displayed in the Approval tab when a trading program or payment progresses through the workflow.
This article will guide you through:
Looking for something else?
Looking to start the approval workflow? Learn how to start the approval workflow for trading programs here.
Creating a workflow role
Channel admin users have access to create and manage workflow roles.
To create a workflow role:
Step 1: Click on Config in the green banner at the top of the page
Step 2: Click on Structure in the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Click on the Workflow roles tab.
Step 4: Click on the + to display the new role details on the right of the page.
Step 5: Enter the following details:
Name: Type the job title or role for the workflow role.
Position: Dictates the order of the approval workflow starting with 1. Type the number of the position this role will take in the workflow, e.g. 3 if the role is third in the approval process.
Select all agreement types: Set the checkbox to require this role’s approval for all agreement types. Alternatively, leave blank to specify agreement types.
Agreement types: Displayed when the checkbox for Select all agreement types is not set. Select one or more agreement types for this role to be involved in approving.
Trading programs: Set the checkbox to include this role in approving trading program proposals before they are considered active.
Payment authorization: Set the checkbox to include this role in approving payments via the Finance app.
Note: If you cannot see the Payment authorization option but are keen to introduce the approval workflow for payments in the Finance app, reach out to the Enable Support team to request that payment authorization workflow is set up for your channel.
Step 6: Set the following details for Trading programs and/or Payment authorization workflow.
Invite basis: Select from All basis, Trading partner, or Approval workflow role to determine when this workflow role is invited for approval. Select All basis for the role to always be invited to the workflow. Select Trading partner for the role to only be invited for a user mapped to the trading partner. Select Approval workflow role for the role to only be invited for a user mapped as the line manager of another user in the workflow.
Invite basis approval workflow role: Displayed if the Invite basis is set to Approval workflow role. Select from a workflow role to determine which. Note: If no roles are visible in this drop-down, you may need to add or edit other workflow roles to ensure that positions prior to this role exist.
Invite scope: Displayed if your channel uses divisions. Select whether All divisions will be invited to approve, or to invite Lead division (the division with the highest net spend) only.
Approval basis: Select All members if all individuals in the workflow role must approve before the workflow is progressed forward, or select One member if only one individual in the workflow role is required for approval.
Can start workflow: Set the checkbox to allow a member of this role to start the workflow process. Note: At least one workflow role must have this checkbox set.
Mandatory: Set the checkbox to require this role’s approval before the workflow can be progressed forward, or leave blank for the role’s approval to be optional.
Step 7: Under Invite thresholds, click on the + button. Thresholds limit when users in a workflow role are invited to the approval process, based on either baseline earnings or net spend. A minimum of one invite threshold must be added for the workflow role to be used.
Note: If you are unsure whether your invite thresholds are applied to baseline earnings or net spend, reach out to the Enable Support team.
Step 8: Enter the invite threshold details:
Currency code: Select the relevant currency for the threshold to be applied to.
Client threshold: Enter the trading partner threshold for the workflow role to be invited for approval. If your organization doesn’t need to limit roles based on a value, enter 0.
For example: If your organization’s CFO is required to sign off trading programs for trading partners who earn more than $10,000 in rebate, the Client threshold for the CFO workflow role would be set as 10,000. In this case, the CFO will only be invited if the trading program has earnings above $10,000.
Division threshold: Displayed if your channel uses divisions. Enter the threshold at division level for the workflow role to be invited for approval.
Step 9: Click the OK button to save the threshold, and add any additional invite thresholds if required. Tip: If your organization uses more than one currency, remember to add an invite threshold for each Currency code.
Step 10: Once you are happy that all details for the workflow role have been completed, click the Save button.
The workflow role is now ready for users to be mapped to the role before it can be actively used in the approval workflow.
To edit a workflow role again, select the role from the list, make the required changed and click the Save button.
Deleting a workflow role
To delete a workflow role:
Step 1: Click on Config in the green banner at the top of the page
Step 2: Click on Structure in the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Click on the Workflow roles tab.
Step 4: Click on the workflow role within the list.
Step 5: Click the Delete button.
Note: The Delete button won’t be available to select if the role is currently being used for a user in the workflow process.
What’s next?
Ready to assign users to each workflow role? Learn how to configure the user to approve workflow role mapping here.