Default phasing for forecasting is managed per trading partner or per client division, and acts as the default time period granularity used to represent seasonality in program line forecasts.
Default phasing values can be amended at any time, providing you with the flexibility to change a forecast during its term.
This article will guide you through how to import default phasing values for your channel.
Looking for something else?
Not yet familiar with types of forecasting calculations? Learn how to use forecasting methods here.
Importing default phasing values
Channel admin users have access to the Config area including forecasting default phasing.
To update default phasing values for forecasting:
Step 1: Click on Config in the green banner at the top of the page.
Step 2: Click on Forecasting in the drop-down menu. You will automatically be navigated to the Default phasing tab.
Step 3: Within the Apply phasing values to drop-down, select either Current forecast period or Next forecast period.
Step 4: Click on CSV template to download the template file to your computer. If phasing values already exist for the selected forecast period, the template will be pre-populated with the existing values.
Step 5: Populate the template with phasing values for each phasing period, and save the file once completed. Note: Only one set of phasing values can be applied per forecast period. If you edit the file’s existing phasing values, the previous set of phasing values will be overwritten once the file is uploaded.
Step 6: Within the Default phasing tab in Enable, click Browse to select your populated template.
Step 7: Click the Import button at the bottom of the page.
What’s next?
Ready to understand forecasting for a program line? Learn more about forecasting program line earnings here.