Dimensions such as products or branches are uploaded into Enable to calculate rebate earnings for trading programs. Dimension items selected in program lines rely on dimension data imported into the Enable channel in order for earnings to be accurately calculated.
This article will guide you through:
- How to download the dimensions template
- How to populate the dimensions template
- How to upload dimension items
- Invalid dimensions upload file
Looking for something else?
- Importing dimension data for special pricing agreements rather than rebate agreements? Learn about manually importing products for SPAs here.
- Does your organization import dimension data via SFTP? Learn about automatically importing dimensions for rebates here.
- Looking to add dimension items to a trading program? Learn how to assign dimension items to a program line here.
- Alternatively, see our Help Center for more on trading programs.
Dimensions are located within the Config area of the Trading programs app.
Channel admin users will have access to the Config area and dimension uploads within Enable. If you require additional help, please reach out to our support team here.
To download the dimension items template:
Step 1: Click on Config in the green banner at the top of the page.
Step 2: Click on Structure in the drop-down menu.
Step 3: In the Dimensions tab, click on your specific dimension (e.g. products).
Step 4: On the right hand side, click Download template and set the checkbox for Populated with existing to download a template containing all existing dimension data within your Enable channel. Alternatively, leave the checkbox not set to download a blank template.
Step 5: Click Download to save the template to your computer’s downloads folder.

Once the dimensions template has been downloaded, you will need to populate each row with the following column data for your dimension items. Column headers must not be changed or renamed in the file.
- Dimension Name: This will be changed to your channel’s specific dimension label (e.g. Product Name, Location Name, etc.) Each row will have a name per dimension Item. This field can have a maximum of 255 characters.
- Trading Partner Reference: Displayed only if your dimensions are set up at trading partner level. Enter the reference of the trading partner.
- Dimension Reference: This will be changed to your channel’s specific dimensions label (e.g. Product Reference, Location Reference, etc.). Each row will have a reference per dimension Item. This field can have a maximum of 100 characters.
- (Optional) Start Date: Determines which dimension Items will be displayed when assigning dimension items to a program line. Dimension items with a start date before the program line start date will not be available for selection. This field, if populated, needs to be in yyyy-MM-dd format.
- (Optional) End Date: Determines which dimension items will be displayed when assigning dimension items to a program line. Dimension Items with an end date after a program line end date will not be available for selection. This field, if populated, needs to be in yyyy-MM-dd format.
- Dimension Attributes: This will be changed to your channel’s specific dimension attributes. These fields can have a maximum of 800 characters. If not requirement, populate with a hyphen “-”.
Note: Some columns in this template may be labelled differently, or more columns may exist if additional dimension attributes have been set up during your Enable implementation. Please refer to the data guide provided by your implementation team, or reach out to our support team here if you require additional assistance.
Once you have followed the above sections and populated the dimension items template, you can upload the template within the same trading programs area.
Step 1: Click on Config in the green banner at the top of the page.
Step 2: Click on Structure in the drop-down menu.
Step 3: In the Dimensions tab, click on your specific dimension (e.g. Products)..
Step 4: On the right hand side, click Browse to select and open the relevant populated template file.
Step 5: Click Upload.
The file will then be queued for upload. This may take some time to complete if a large volume of dimension items have been uploaded.
Once processed, Upload results will be displayed on the right of the page, either confirming that the upload has been completed with the number of imported rows, or identifying if the upload file was invalid.
If the dimensions file did not successfully upload, rejection reasons will be identified under the upload results (example below). In this case, you should make the relevant amendments before re-uploading your dimension items.

What’s next?
Need to upload suppliers or customers into Enable? Learn how to manually import trading partners for trading programs here.