The Organizations app is a centralized place for organizational data that can be leveraged across Enable apps. It links key information about your organization such as all your different tenants, Enable users, and trading partners. This integrates with the Deals app as it allows you to collaborate with organizations that you have Special pricing agreements with. It also integrate with the new single view of Trading programs.
The organization’s profile page will allow you to see a dashboard highlighting relevant information about the selected organization including data trends and high-level transactional, workflow and earnings figures.
Channels representing an organization’s other roles in your business network are now also easily accessible from their profile page, and a new automatic process will run in the background to match unvalidated organizations with validated ones by comparing domain names.
Profile pictures of users now appear in the trading programs section of the organization overview will now match the pictures used in the Messages section. Buttons on the organization details page now link to other Enable apps making for seamless transitions, and a report issue button creates a pre-filled ticket for reporting things like errors in automatically populated data.
How to access Organizations
You'll now see a tile in your Enable apps Homescreen where you can access the Organizations Beta application.
Clicking this will give you a dashboard view of your own Organization and all your Trading partners. If approved the Organizations logos and theme colours will be drawn into the system as well.
Clicking on one of these customers will show you a summary of YTD spend and earnings as well as information on your agreements.
If you have any outstanding messages with the customer, this will appear in their organisational dashboard. You can also create and review Trading programs directly from this dashboard.