On the homepage, you are able to search Trading Programs for either a trading partner (name or reference), trading program (reference, description, ID) or program line (reference, description, ID) by entering the relevant information into the search box found near the middle of the homepage, as shown below.
When you stop typing, the total number of results found will be shown on the left-hand side of the page, plus, if found:
- A list of items found in the trading partners page containing your search term;
- A list of items found in the trading programs page containing your search term;
- A list of items found in the program lines page containing your search term.
The search isn’t returning the results I expect. How exactly are the search results determined?
The search feature is designed to show the most relevant information for your search term. We use "matching the search term" to describe the behaviour in the first paragraph of this help article.
Enable returns program lines as follows:
- Return all program lines whose reference, description, or ID matches the search term.
- If no such program lines are found, then Enable searches for any trading programs matching the search term, and then returns all their program lines.
- If still no program lines are found, then Enable searches for any trading partners matching the search term and returns all the program lines in the trading programs for those trading partners.
Similarly, Enable returns trading programs as follows:
- Return all trading programs whose reference, description, or ID matches the search term.
- If no such program lines are found, then Enable searches for any trading partners matching the search term, and then returns all their trading programs.
Finally, the trading partner search returns all trading partners matching the search term.