Collaborator is an online portal that facilitates smoother working relationships by allowing trading partners to easily and securely share rebate agreements known as trading programs.
Learn more about accessing trading programs in Collaborator below.
How to view trading programs
To view your trading programs within Collaborator, click on one of your partners from the Collaborator home page.

Then click on the Trading programs tile to view all of the trading programs you have access to with the selected partner.

Click on a row to select the program you wish to view, then click on the View program button to display a summary of the agreement.

How to navigate the trading program
The left of the screen displays the trading program PDF which is a document summarizing all details of your rebate agreement. You can view the PDF within Enable, or click the Download PDF button at the bottom of the screen to save a copy to your documents.
The top right of the screen displays circles for the users who have access to the trading program, which could include other collaborators in your organization. Click on a circle to see the user’s name and email address.
On the right of the screen you can click one of the following tabs to learn more.

This tab allows you to view the following details:
- Owner: The organization who owns the agreement in Enable, i.e. the partner who has invited you to collaborate and view the trading program.
- Partner: Your organization’s name.
- Reference: The reference of the trading program input by the owner.
- Term: The start and end date of the trading program.
- Status: Indicates whether the trading program is signed or unsigned.
- Last updated by: The user who last updated the trading program and the date of the update.
This tab provides a history of activity for the trading program including the dates on which the activity occurred.
Activities can include when members of the sign-off approval workflow have approved the agreement, and when the trading program was activated.
This tab allows you to interact with your trading partner by sending messages and sharing documents in one centralized location. You can view and add comments at any time for trading programs which you have access to.
To add a comment for your trading partner to see, type your message in the box, click the paperclip icon to share a relevant attachment of up to 20MB if required, and click the send arrow icon.
To delete a comment you have sent for both you and your trading partner, click on the X on the right of the comment.

How to sign off a trading program
If the workflow status of a trading program is For signing, you will be able to click the Sign off button once reviewing the PDF. You will be prompted to read a declaration confirming that you are happy with the trading program - if you are happy with the agreement, click the ✔ Sign off button.
Alternatively, click the x Cancel button to display the trading program summary again to re-review the agreement or add a comment before signing off.