Partner Dashboard allows you to track progress towards targeted program lines.
This instant visibility provides quick insights including year-on-year spending and rebates. This allows you to identify trends and calculated opportunities to help improve efficiency as well as maximize earnings.
As a Collaborator user, Partner Dashboard only displays program lines relating to your organization.
This article will guide you through:
How to access Partner Dashboard
Once your trading partner has provided you with access, navigate to Partner Dashboard using the steps below.
Step 1: Within the Enable homepage, click on the Collaborator tile.
Step 2: Under Your partners, click on the trading partner you would like to view progress data for.
Step 3: Click on the Partner Dashboard tile.
Status tiles
The tiles at the top of Partner Dashboard provide high-level insight into the most recent data and calculations used to contribute towards your program lines' progression.
Take a tour: Click on this tile to navigate through a tour of Partner Dashboard, which highlights its key features. Tip: Use this any time you need a refresher on how to use the functionality.
Trading partner profile: Click on this tile to navigate to the trading partner’s organization in a new browser tab.
Most recent transaction: Displays the number of days since the latest recorded purchase/sale in Enable between you and your trading partner. Transactions may be purchases or sales, depending on the flow of goods.
Information last updated: Displays how long ago calculations for Partner Dashboard were last performed. Calculations are typically completed every 30 minutes.
In addition to the tiles, you can also Search by program line in this area using program line references.
Headline details
Number of program lines: The total number of active targeted program lines which are displayed in Partner Dashboard. Note: By default, only targeted program lines are displayed. To display non-targeted program lines, see the View section below.
Potential rebate: The total value of potential rebate for these program lines. Calculated based on the rebate earned if the next target band were to be achieved, minus the rebate earned currently.
Headline tiles
The headline tiles display key figures, which you can click on to view more information.
Transactions (Purchases or Sales)
Displays the total value of transactions between you and your trading partner for the year to date (i.e. 1st January up to the latest transaction date in Enable for you and your trading partner).
The % difference displays the change in the total value of transactions between last year and this year, up until the same date last year.
Last year displays the total value of last year’s transactions for the same time period.
For example, if the latest transaction date is 20th November 2023, last year’s transactions would be the sum of transactions from 1st January 2022 to 20th November 2022.
The % change is then calculated using transactions from 1st January 2022 to 20th November 2022, and the same period for 2023.
Displays the total value of rebate earned on transactions between you and your trading partner for the year to date (i.e. 1st January up to the latest transaction date uploaded into Enable).
The % difference displays the change in the total value of last year’s rebate between last year and this year, up until the same date last year.
Last year displays the total value of last year’s rebate for the same time period.
For example, if the latest transaction date is 20th November 2023, this year's rebate would be the amount earned on transactions from 1st January 2023 to 20th November 2023, and last year’s rebate would be the amount earned on transactions between 1st January 2022 to 20th November 2022.
The % change is then calculated using rebate earned between 1st January 2022 to 20th November 2022, and the same period for 2023.
Opportunity/Reward Score
Displays the largest rebate opportunity out of the targeted program lines, which is the best opportunity available. Click here to learn more about how the opportunity/reward score is calculated.
The following details are displayed based on the program line with the highest opportunity score:
Program line: The reference of this program line.
Rebate Opportunity: The value of rebate that would be gained by achieving the next target band.
Spend required: The amount of spend required to reach the next target band.
Time remaining: The time remaining in days until the program line’s end date, when the opportunity expires.
Tip: The opportunity score displays as N/A when a program line has already hit the highest target, or where there is no target band to hit. Use this to identify where additional target bands or incentives can be renegotiated with your trading partners.
Days Remaining
Displays the number of days remaining on the program line ending soonest, i.e. the first expiring opportunity.
The following details are displayed based on the program line with the nearest expiring opportunity:
Program line: The reference of this program line.
End date: The end date of the program line, when the opportunity expires.
Opportunity/Reward score: The opportunity/reward score of the program line.
Program line progress details
The following details how program lines are progressing are displayed, using the same logic for values as the headline tiles above.
Program Line
Displays the program line's reference and start and end dates. Tip: Program line references can also be searched using the search bar at the top of Partner Dashboard.
Transactions and Currency
Displays Purchases or Sales, depending on the flow of goods for your organization.
Actual: The actual value of transactions to date for the program line.
Forecast: The forecast value of transactions for the program line.
Current: The current rebate earned to date for the program line.
Forecast: The forecast value of the rebate that will be earned for the program line in its entirety, based on forecast transactions.
To next band: The spend required to reach the next target band.
Score: The opportunity/reward score for the program line. Remember: The higher the score, the greater the opportunity.
Note: N/A is displayed for a non-targeted program line, or when a targeted program line has achieved the highest target band available and therefore has no score.
To next band: The progress towards the next target band, using the following color coding:
Green: All targets have been achieved, so there are no more additional targets.
Yellow: You are forecast to achieve the next target.
Red: You are forecast to miss the next target.
N/A is displayed for a non-targeted program line, or when a targeted program line has achieved the highest target band available.
To end date: The progress towards the end date (time elapsed), using the following color coding:
Green: Over 15% ahead of progress to the next band.
Yellow: Between 15% behind and 15% ahead of progress to the next band.
Red: Over 15% behind progress to the next band.
To the right of the progress bar, the number of target bands beyond the current band being progressed is displayed.
For example, +4 indicates that the current target band has not yet been achieved, and 4 additional target bands exist beyond the current band.
Target bands progress bars
Click on the progress bars to display detailed progress towards the target bands for the program line.
Value or units: The target values for each configured band.
Rate %: The rebate reward that correlates to each band.
Progress bars: The progress towards each target band, using the same color coding as above.
Progress symbol indicator: Hover over a symbol to display one of the explanations below:
Check mark: The target band has been achieved.
Info symbol: The target band is forecast to be achieved.
Warning symbol: The target band is not forecast to be achieved.
F symbol: The current forecast band.
Time remaining: The time remaining on the program line, calculated using the latest transaction date to the end date of the program line.
Latest transaction for program line: The latest date recorded against purchases/sales that have been successfully reconciled to the program line.
View options
Click the View button in the top right of Partner Dashboard to select from the following filter options.
Table program lines: Choose how to order data displayed: by opportunity, program line transactions, program line rebate, start date or end date (of the program line). Program line tables can be displayed in either ascending or descending order.
Currency: Select a currency to only display program lines configured in that currency.
Simplified or detailed values: Select simplified values to round values to the nearest 3 significant figures. For example, a detailed value of $1658.55 would round to a simplified value of $1660. Tip: Use detailed values when ensuring targets are achieved and not narrowly missed by a minimal monetary amount. Alternatively, use simplified values to display a cleaner overview of your trading programs.
Show non-targeted program lines: Set the checkbox for all program lines to be displayed, regardless of whether a mechanism with target bands is used. For non-targeted program lines, N/A is displayed for To next band (within the Progress column), since there are no bands.
Show ended program lines: Set the checkbox for data to include program lines which are past their end date.
Dimension filters: Select dimension items either directly or via attribute values to filter Progress Tracker to display only program lines that contain any of the selected dimension items. Using a dimension filter does not affect any figures displayed, but simply hides program lines that don’t have any of the selected dimension items in the qualifying dimension item selection.
Include indirect transactions and rebate earnings: If you use indirect rebates with your trading partner, use this toggle to determine if indirect rebates are included in the headline tiles.