Over 180 countries have recognized electronic signatures as having the same legal status as handwritten signatures, and our implementation complies with the definition of an electronic signature as specified by acts such as ESIGN and UETA in the United States, PIPEDA in Canada, the Electronic Transactions Act in Australia, eIDAS in the European Union and its counterpart UK eIDAS in the United Kingdom.
Enable meets or exceeds the legal standards reflected in existing case law, and it accounts fully for current best practices as demonstrated by established third-party services such as Adobe Sign and DocuSign. These standards and best practices favor solutions in which:
1) The agreement is presented to the counterparty in a clear and easy-to-read format
2) The counterparty must actively and unequivocally accept the terms in order to proceed
3) A combination of personal information and electronic records and procedures can be used to authenticate the signature
4) The counterparty is provided with a transaction record and electronic copy of the document
Our Collaborator platform satisfies each of these four criteria.