Trading partner-fed transactions is a feature in Collaborator which allows your trading partners to submit transactional data to your trading programs channel.
Collaborator users who have been granted permission to upload data are guided through a transaction import wizard in Collaborator. Collaborators will have access to your primary data, which they can use to populate the reference columns in the transactions file. Once a collaborator has uploaded transactions, the data is processed through the normal reconciliation process.
You can require approval from a channel user before trading partner-fed transactions apply to your rebate calculations, giving a greater level of control over the transactions in your Enable channel.
This article will guide you through:
Looking for something else?
- Looking to resolve unreconciled transactions imported by collaborators? Learn how to manage collaborator transactions here.
- Alternatively, see our Help Center for more on collaborator for trading programs.
Channel admin users have access to the Config area and the ability to approve or reject collaborator imports.
To access collaborator imports:
Step 1: Click on Config in the green banner at the top of the page
Step 2: Click on Import transactions in the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Click on the Approve collaborator imports tab.
A log of New imports ready to be checked as well as Past imports is displayed.
Click on an import row to view additional import submission details on the right of the screen, and click on the name of the File to download and review a copy of the submitted transaction file.
If you require transactions imported by collaborators to be approved, the New imports ready to be checked section will display pending transaction imports submitted by collaborators.
To approve or reject a collaborator import:
Step 1: Click on the import row within New imports ready to be checked. Additional import submission details will be displayed on the right of the screen.
Step 2: Review the details of the import. If transactions are a Replacement, transactions for this date range will replace the previous transactions within the date range for the trading partner if imported. Tip: Click on the name of the File to download and review a copy of the submitted transaction file.
Step 3: Click the Approve button if you are happy for the transactions to be imported and included in program line calculations. Alternatively, click the Reject button to enter a reason for the rejection, and click the Reject submission button.
Your collaborator will then be able to review the rejection notes within their transaction logs and action accordingly within Collaborator.
What’s next?
Not yet reviewed a reconciliation report for transactions imported by your collaborators? Learn how to reconcile collaborator transactions here.