Generating reports
- Generating a program earnings report
- Generating a daily earnings report
- Generating a transaction report
- Generating a forecast earnings report
- Generating a workflow report
- Utilizing advanced reporting
Additional insights
Creating trading programs
Approving trading programs
Managing trading programs
- Navigating activity in trading programs
- Viewing the trading programs list
- Editing a trading program
- Analyzing a trading program
- Reviewing programs with Executive Summary
- Deleting a trading program
Managing program lines
- Using the program line wizard
- Setting up program lines
- Assigning dimension items
- Making changes to program lines
- Setting group and individual targets
- Setting unit of measure conversions
Program line mechanisms
- ‘Externally calculated — apportioned’ mechanism
- ‘Externally calculated — lump sum’ mechanism
- ‘Fixed amount — apportioned’ mechanism
- ‘Fixed amount — lump sum’ mechanism
- ‘Fixed percentage of price’ mechanism
- ‘Fixed percentage rate’ mechanism
- Finance app breakdown
- Generate a debtors report
- Generate a creditors report
- Generating a payment allocation report
- Record a payment
- Allocate a payment
Collaborator for trading programs
Managing Collaborator-fed transactions
Program lines FAQs
- How can I incentivize earnings?
- Why can't I select dimension items from a particular collection when configuring a program line?
- Why can't I filter or view by different items in reports?
- Why can't I see a dimension item when selecting in a program line?
- What do the 'A', 'C', and 'F' indicate in the target bands?
- What if my program line doesn’t fit neatly into the frequency periods?