The Payment history tab in the Finance app provides a complete audit trail of every payment and adjustment recorded in Enable. Payments can also be reversed within the payment history.
This article will guide you through:
Looking for something else?
- Need to record a new payment? Learn how to record and allocate a payment here.
- Need to allocate, edit, or remove an unallocated payment? Learn how to manage unallocated payments here.
Viewing payment allocations
To access a log of your payments and adjustments, click on Finance in the green banner at the top of the page and click on Payment history.
Note: If you are unable to see the Finance menu, a channel admin user may need to provide you with the correct user permissions.
In the panel on the right, you can apply criteria to filter the payments and adjustments that are displayed. To display all payments and adjustments, select all Trading partners and click Search. Other filters can refine your search further:
- Trading partners: At least one trading partner must be selected. Trading partners can be included manually, by attribute, or by Select all.
- Account contacts or Cash collectors: If you have Enable users mapped to trading partners as account contacts or cash collectors, trading partners can be filtered by the responsible user. Learn how to map trading partners to account contacts or cash collectors here.
- Date entered from: View payments that were entered on or after a specific date.
- Date entered to: View payments that were entered on or before a specific date.
- Date paid from: View payments that were paid on or after a specific date.
- Date paid to: View payments that were paid on or before a specific date.
- Allocation status: Choose from Any, Unallocated, Allocated, Partially allocated, or Reversed. Additional options (Pending approval, Approved, Rejected, Replaced, or Stopped) will only be relevant to you if your channel utilizes payment approval workflow.
- Type: Choose from Any, Receipt or Remittance, or Adjustment. Additional options (Authorized or Authorization) will only be relevant to you if your channel utilizes payment approval workflow.
- Hide payment lines with zero allocated value: Remove unallocated payments from the list.
Clicking the Reset button resets the search criteria to the default filters.
When Search is clicked after the filters have been added, payments or adjustments which do not have the Allocation status of Unallocated can be clicked to display the payment lines they are allocated against and the value allocated to each line.
These payments can be downloaded by clicking Download in the bottom left corner.
The downloaded CSV file will display a row for each payment line included in a fully allocated payment or adjustment, and unallocated payments or adjustments will display as a single line with ‘Unallocated’ in the Allocation status column.
Reversing a payment allocation
To reverse a payment allocation:
Step 1: Within Payment history tab, click on the relevant payment.
Step 2: Click on the Reverse allocations button.
Step 3: Edit the Allocated value column for each payment line by hovering over the Allocated value to and clicking the pencil icon. Alternatively, click Reverse all to set the Allocated value to 0 for all payment lines.
Note: The Reverse allocations button will not be visible on payments or adjustments that have the Allocation status as Pending approval.
Step 4: Click the Confirm button.
Step 5: Select a Reason for the allocation reversal, then click on the Confirm button.
The value that was reversed for that payment will be stored as an unallocated payment. On the Payment history tab, the Allocation status for the payment you have reversed will update to display as Unallocated or Partially allocated after the reversal is confirmed.
What’s next?
Need to allocate, edit, or remove an unallocated payment? Learn how to manage unallocated payments here.