Enable can automatically replicate a trading program to the next period based on the start and end dates of the current trading program.
This article will guide you through:
Looking for something else?
Looking to replicate an individual trading program? Learn how to replicate a trading program manually here.
Which details are copied to a replicated trading program
Trading program replication is configured by Enable. When replication is used, the following details from the original trading program are copied to the new replica:
Program lines: All program lines are replicated to the new program.
Terms: All terms items are replicated to the new program.
Accrual bands: If replicating to an active program, accrual bands within all program lines will be retained. If replicating to a proposal program, accrual bands will not be replicated.
The Settings tab of the program is also replicated, with the following details changed:
Reference: The reference is replicated but appended with “(replica)” at the end, so that it is clear which trading program is the new replica.
Start date and end date: The date range of the replica is determined based on the number of months in the original trading program. For example, if a trading program runs for 12 months, then the start date of the replica trading program will be 12 months after the start date of the trading program, and the end date of the replica trading program will be 12 months after the end date of the original trading program.
Note: If a program spans multiple years, the length of the replicated program will be the same as the length of the original program. For example, a trading program with dates from Jan 1 2024 to Sep 30 2025 (1 year and 9 months) will be replicated to a program with dates of Oct 1 2025 to Jun 30 2027.
Configuration options
The Enable team can configure the below options for trading program replication in your channel.
Activation statuses
Choose any of the following activation statuses for replica trading programs:
Automatically replicate trading programs as proposals: When a trading program is coming to an end, it is replicated to the next period as a draft proposal so you can make changes during negotiations before it is signed off.
Automatically replicate trading programs as active trading programs: If a trading program does not need any changes or approval, this option immediately marks the replicated program as active. In this case, the trading program will be ready to earn a rebate immediately.
Automatically replicate trading programs as interim trading programs: When a trading program is coming to an end, an interim trading program is created so that you can accrue based on the previous trading program's terms while still negotiating any changes to the next period's proposal trading program.
Automatically replicate interim trading programs as proposals: When a trading program is coming to an end, you may use interim trading programs to continue accruing. This interim trading program will then be replicated as a proposal.
Using year notations
If your trading programs contain the current year in the reference or description field, the replication process can automatically update this in the new replica. This also applies to program lines within replicated programs.
For example, if the current trading program reference is "2024 Agreement", the new replica’s reference would be “2025 Agreement (replica)” when it is automatically replicated to the next period.
Which trading programs to replicate
Automatic trading program replication can be configured per trading partner or trading program type, so you can control which trading programs are automatically replicated.
In addition to this, you can choose to either:
Automatically replicate any trading programs.
Automatically replicate fully signed trading programs only.
When to replicate a trading program
You may choose to automatically replicate a certain number of months before the end date. For example, trading programs can be set to replicate 3 months before their end date. In this case, if a trading program ends on 31 December, it will automatically replicate to the next period on 30 September.
For a trading program to automatically replicate, the following conditions must always be met:
The trading program end date must not yet have passed.
The trading program must not have already previously been automatically replicated.
If replicating to the next period, the trading program must cover a whole number of months.
The program is not archived.
The program type version must allow concurrent programs.
A program does not already exist with the replica’s start date, reference and trading partner, or the program is not already in the process of replication.
To replicate as an interim program, it must be replicated to the next period.
To replicate as an interim program, any mandatory terms items need to be set.
If replication for fully signed programs is enabled for the channel, the program must be fully signed.
What’s next?
Ready to request that our team configure automatic replication for you? Raise a Helpdesk ticket with us including your preferences for the following settings.
Activation statuses: Select one from the options below:
Automatically replicate trading programs as proposals.
Automatically replicate trading programs as active trading programs.
Automatically replicate trading programs as interim trading programs.
Automatically replicate interim trading programs as proposals.
Update year notations within the trading program reference and description fields: Yes/No.
Which trading programs to replicate:
For the following trading partners only: Specify here.
For the following trading program types only: Specify here.
Fully signed trading programs or all trading programs (select one):
When to replicate a trading program: X number of months before the end date.