The daily earnings report provides insight into actual, actual forecast, and accrual earnings over a given time period. This allows you to understand the financial performance of your trading programs at a more granular level.
This article will guide you through:
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When to use the daily earnings report
Regular Financial Performance
The daily earnings report contains the transaction and earnings data of your trading partners over a period of time, broken down by trading partner and frequency.
For example, your Finance team may wish to generate a report using the Daily frequency to display earnings (and transactions earned on) for a trading partner for one day.
Report results can also be further broken down to the program line level, filtered to show a subset of data or to include additional relevant data.
Month-end Performance
Use this report at month-end to review your financial performance for both the current month and year-to-date. Accruals are mostly used at this time, with Actuals often used as a comparison.
You may wish to review both of these result types in the daily earnings report, to understand the rebate that has definitely been earned alongside what will be earned based on accruals.
How to navigate to the daily earnings report
To access the daily earnings report in trading programs:
Step 1: Click on Reports in the green banner at the top of the page
Step 2: Click on Daily earnings in the drop-down menu.
If the Reports menu is not available, a channel admin user at your organization will need to provide you with the correct user permissions.
How to use filters in the daily earnings report
Filters on the daily earnings report can be used to add more context to report results. Filters are all optional except for Trading partner which is mandatory.
Note that None on any filter (excluding Frequency) means that the filter is not being used.
The filters available are:
Trading partner: Click the hamburger icon to select one or more trading partners. This filters results to only display programs which exist with the selected partner(s). Alternatively, click on Select all for the report results to include all partners. If you have trading partner attribute data, you can also select groups of trading partners.
Transaction date: Enter a From date to only include transactions that occurred on or after this date. Enter a To date to only include transactions that occurred before or on this date. The From and To dates can be used one at a time or together. Tip: Use this to view transactions and earnings based on a specific period of time.
Trading program status: Filter by trading programs with one or more status, e.g. Active, Proposal, Interim, or Archived. Tip: You may need to filter this to include proposal programs which have not yet been activated.
Program line type: Select one or more program line types, or use None to include all program line types.
By program line: Set the checkbox to add additional columns to the report results, displaying program and program line information. Tip: Use this to increase the reporting granularity from a trading partner summary to program line level.
Currency: Select one or more currencies to only display programs using the selected currencies, or use None to include all currencies as separate rows in the report.
Program line: Search by program line ID, reference or description to select specific program lines. The list displayed is based on selections made in the Trading partner filter.
Frequency: Select Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annual, or Full period to aggregate report results by the selected frequency. Alternatively, use None to display individual transaction lines. Full period will only generate the report if both Transaction date filters (From and To) are populated.
Program line result types: Select from Actual, Accrual, or Actual forecast to add additional effective rate and earnings columns for each result type.
View by: Click the hamburger icon to set the checkbox for one or multiple dimension items and/or dimension attributes, to increase the granularity of the results displayed. Each View by selected will display an additional column (e.g. specific products, product categories, or branches). Note: Each report supports a maximum of 3 view bys. Interested in reporting on more than these? Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to discuss Advanced Reporting options.
Dimension filters: Select to include only specific dimension items (e.g. products) or dimension attributes (e.g. product categories or groups). Click here to learn how to configure dimension filters.
Trading partner on transaction: Select a trading partner to only display earnings where the trading partners selected are the owners of the transactions. Tip: Use this if your program line’s qualifying transactions include other trading partners to filter to a specific trading partner's contribution.
External reference: Type to filter by an external reference used on the transaction line. Only available if external reference has been configured in your channel.
Order reference: Type to filter by an order reference used on the transaction line. Only available if the Frequency is set to None.
Delivery reference: Type to filter by a delivery reference used on the transaction line. Only available if the Frequency is set to None.
Invoice reference: Type to filter by an invoice reference used on the transaction line. Only available if the Frequency is set to None.
How to configure dimension filters
Dimension filters can be used to include only specific dimension items (e.g. products) or dimension attributes (e.g. product categories or groups).
To add a dimension filter in the transactions report:
Step 1: Click the hamburger icon for Dimension filters.
Step 2: Click Add and select the dimension you wish to filter on from the drop-down.
Step 3: (Optional) Select the relevant Collection.
Step 4: (Optional) Click the hamburger icon next to Item to search and select single or multiple dimension items (e.g. product). Click Done to save the item selection.
Step 5: (Optional) Click the hamburger icon next to Attribute to set the checkbox for single or multiple grouping items (e.g. product category or group). Click Done to save the attribute selection.
Step 6: Click Add to create the filtering rule.
Step 7: Click Add to add another dimension filter, or click Done to save the dimension filters.
When you are ready, click the Preview button at the bottom of the page to view your report's results.
Alternatively, click the Reset button to change all filters to their defaults.
Viewing and understanding the report results
Once you have clicked to Preview results from the filters page, the daily earnings report will be displayed with the first 40 results. Loading times may vary depending on the number of results in your report.
The report preview displays totals at the bottom of each column from the full data set, even if the preview doesn’t include all rows.
The buttons below the report can be used to:
Download to save and view the results for the full report as a CSV file.
Refresh to update results based on any changes made within the channel since the report was generated.
Change criteria to navigate back to the report filters to make any amendments.
The columns displayed in the report results include:
Trading partner: The name of the trading partner associated with the trading program. Note: This field may be named differently (e.g. Suppliers or Customers), but will always represent your trading partners.
Trading partner reference: The reference of the trading partner associated with the trading program.
Transaction date(s): The date or period the transactions occurred on.
Total transacted units: The total units across all transactions for the given period.
Total transacted value: The total value transacted for the given period.
Effective rate: The earnings calculated based on the program line mechanism and the earning results type filter used for the report.
Earnings: The earnings calculated based on the program line mechanism and the earning results type filter used for the report.
Currency: The currency of the program line.
Status: The calculation status of the program line. Green indicates that there are no pending calculations. Tip: Hover over the status symbol to see the status text.
The following optional columns may also be displayed, depending on the filters used for the report:
Trading program ID: The unique identifier automatically generated for the trading program, available on the settings page of the trading program.
Interim trading program?: Displays Yes if program lines are part of an interim trading program (a placeholder program, typically used if an active program ends before a replacement is activated). Displays No if the program is not an interim.
Program line reference: The reference set by your team for the program line.
Program line ID: The unique identifer automatically generated for the program line, available on the settings page of the program line.
Program line type: The type assigned to the program line.
Mechanism: The name of the mechanism that has been assigned to the program line.
External reference: If a frequency of None is used, this displays the external reference used the original transaction lines.
What’s next?
Ready to learn more about how your trading programs are performing? Learn more about additional insights here.