My reports provides a library of your recently generated reports for trading programs, personalised to your specific user. This allows you to easily access reports at any time, without needing to set up filter criteria again.
This article will guide you through:
Looking for something else?
- Need help generating and understanding report results? Learn more about reporting in trading programs here.
- Alternatively, see our Help Center for more on trading programs.
How to navigate to my reports
To access My reports in trading programs:
Step 1: Click on Reports in the green banner at the top of the page.
Step 2: Click on My reports in the drop-down menu.
If the Reports menu is not available, a channel admin user at your organization will need to provide you with the correct user permissions.
How to use my reports
Each row in the My reports table corresponds to a report you have generated. This list only relates to your reports, and does not include any generated by other team members.
The reports table displays the following columns for each report:
- Favorite: Displays a star for any reports that have been favorited and won't expire. Favorited reports are always displayed at the top of the list.
- Name: Hover over a report and click the pencil next to the name to edit; type a new name then click the checkmark. Tip: Editing the name of a report helps you organize and create unique identifiers for your reports.
- Type: The type of report generated, e.g. daily earnings, program earnings, etc. If the report is a preview, this will be indicated in brackets at the end of the report type.
- Requested: How long ago the report was originally generated.
- Expires: The date the report expires. By default, this is 7 days after the report was requested. Tip: You can remove the expiration date by favoriting a report.
- Trading partner: Indicates if the report was filtered on a single or multiple trading partners. Note: The name of this column may be different, but will always represent your trading partners, e.g. supplier or customer.
Click on a report and the Preview button to display the report results preview. This button will only be available to select if the original report was previewed rather than downloaded.
Click on a report and the Download button to save and view the original report results as a CSV file. This button will only be available to select if the original report was downloaded rather than previewed.
Alternatively, click on a report then the ... button to select one of the following options:
- Use criteria for new report: Navigates to the report filters, with the criteria pre-selected from the chosen report. Tip: Use this for complex filter settings or where you want to refine a previous report.
- Add to my favorites: Adds a star to the report to prevent it from expiring. When a report is already favorited, this option will change to Remove from my favorites. Tip: Try favoriting reports you know will be used in the future such as regular month-end reporting, or to ensure you can extract comparable data sets over time.
- View details: Displays details and criteria used for the report on the right of the page. Tip: Use this to quickly understand the context behind a report without needing to review the results.
View details displays the following details in addition to the original report criteria:
- Status: Indicates whether the report is Queued, Processing, or Complete.
- Queued at: The date and time you first requested the report.
- Started at: The date and time the Enable platform started generating the report; this coincides with when the report first reached the Processing status.
- Completed at: The date and time the report finished generating and when the status changed to Complete.
Tip: Scroll down the details on the right of the page to view the full list of criteria used for the report.
What’s next?
Ready to see how much your programs are earning? Learn how to generate the program earnings report here.