The forecast earnings report highlights the earnings calculated for program lines by the Forecasting app, allowing you to understand the potential performance of your trading programs.
This article will guide you through:
- How to navigate to the forecast earnings report
- How to use filters in the forecast earnings report
- Viewing and understanding the report results
Looking for something else?
- Need help navigating the Forecasting module? Learn how to view forecasted earnings for your program lines here.
- Looking for a different report? Learn more about reporting for trading programs here.
How to navigate to the forecast earnings report
To access the forecast earnings report in the Trading programs app:
Step 1: Click on Reports in the green banner at the top of the page.
Step 2: Click on Forecast earnings in the drop-down menu.
If the Reports menu is not available, a channel admin user at your organization will need to provide you with the correct user permissions.
How to use filters in the forecast earnings report
Filters on the program earnings report can be used to add more context to report results. Filters are all optional.
The filters available are:
- View by: Select one or more option to aggregate forecasted earnings by trading partner, trading program, trading program type version, program line, or program line type.
- Trading program type: Select one or more trading program types, or use None to include all trading program types.
- Trading program status: Filter by trading programs with one or more status, e.g. Active, Proposal, Interim, or Archived. Tip: You may need to filter this to include proposal programs which have not yet been activated.
- Program line type: Select one or more program line types, or use None to include all program line types.
- Frequency: Select Forecast period or Phasing period to determine how the report results are aggregated.
- Period: Select Current period or Next period to determine which forecast period the report results are based on.
- Currency: Select one or more currencies to only display forecast earnings for programs using the selected currencies, or use None to include all currencies as separate rows in the report.
When you are ready, click the Preview button at the bottom of the page to view your report's results.
Alternatively, click the Reset button to change all filters to their defaults.
Viewing and understanding the report results
Once you have clicked to Preview results from the filters page, the forecast earnings report will be displayed.
The buttons below the report can be used to:
- Download to save and view the results for the full report as a CSV file.
- Refresh to update results based on any changes made within the channel since the report was generated.
- Change criteria to navigate back to the report filters to make any amendments.
The columns displayed in the report results include:
- Start date: The start date for the reported period.
- End date: The end date for the reported period.
- Forecast earnings: The earnings forecasted for the reporter period, calculated using the relevant forecast methods for the reported program lines.
- Currency: The currency of the forecast earnings.
- Forecast spend: Displayed only if the View by filter has been set to Program line. This represents the calculated forecast spend for the period.
Additional columns may also be displayed if a View by filter was used for the report, e.g. details of the relevant program line or trading program.
What’s next?
Ready to see how much your programs are earning to date? Learn how to generate the program earnings report here.