Manual workflow can be used to indicate a trading program’s approval status.
Unlike automatic workflow, a user must manually advance the status of a trading program from Draft to Signed off (or another workflow status). This requires you to ensure that proposals are reviewed and physically signed off by the correct people before advancing the workflow status.
This article will guide you through how to approve a trading program manually.
Looking for something else?
- Looking to approve a trading program using automatic workflow? Learn how to approve a trading program here.
- Alternatively, see our Help Center for more on trading programs.
How to approve a trading program manually
The type of approval workflow (i.e. manual or automatic) for a trading program is determined by the trading program type. Note: If you are unsure which approval workflow is used for each trading program type, reach out to the Enable Support team.
When manual workflow is used, the trading program’s Approval tab displays workflow details in addition to the baseline earnings.
To update the status of a trading program using manual workflow:
Step 1: Navigate to the Approval tab of the trading program.
Step 2: If required, click on the program PDF on the right of the page to download a summary of the trading program for you to review.
Step 3: Review the Baseline earnings to understand an early indication of the trading program’s rebate implications. The Baseline earnings section displays the:
- Trading partner's total transacted value from the previous period.
- Trading partner's total earnings from the previous period.
- Effective % rate from the previous year (calculated using the total earnings divided by the total transacted value from the previous period).
- Baseline earnings for the new trading program.
Note: Monetary values are rounded to the nearest whole number, and percentages are rounded to 2 decimal places.
Alternatively, click on the following buttons to:
- Recalculate baseline earnings to refresh calculations as of this moment in time. Tip: The date and time of the last calculations for baseline earnings for the trading program is displayed below the headline figures.
- Show details to display a breakdown of baseline earnings for programs in this trading program, alongside other programs from this year and programs from last year. This section will be blank if no trading programs exist for the trading partner.
Step 4: Review and edit the following workflow details where required:
- Creation: Indicates whether the trading program was created manually or automatically, i.e. through replication.
- Created by: Displays the name of the user who created the trading program, and the time and date it was created.
- Workflow status: Select the current step the trading program is in within your workflow. Note: Workflow statuses indicate where the trading program is currently within the workflow; this status doesn't impact other functionality. Workflow statuses in your channel may vary and can be configured by Enable. If you would like workflow statuses to be added or changed, reach out to the Enable Support team with details of the workflow statuses you would like to be available.
- Currently with: Type the name of the individual or team who the trading program is currently with for sign off.
- Waiting on: Type the name of the individual or team who the trading program is currently waiting on to progress the workflow. Tip: This could be different to the individual/team specified in the Currently with field. For example, a trading program may be currently with the Category Manager, but waiting on the trading partner to confirm details to the Category Manager.
- Last transaction date: The most recent transaction date for the trading program, i.e. most recent transaction date on a transaction line.
- Follow on status: Indicates whether a follow-on trading program needs to be created for a trading program approaching its end date. When Yes is displayed, a trading program needs to be created for the next period. When No is displayed, either a follow-on trading program exists, or it is not yet due to be created.
- Notes: Click the ☰ icon to type any additional notes for your team's reference, and click OK. Notes added here are internal only, so won't be displayed on the trading program PDF or be visible to your Collaborators.
Step 5: If your channel uses executive summary, the below fields will also be displayed in the Approval tab:
- Include notes on executive summary: Set the checkbox to include the notes input above in the executive summary template.
- Trading programs for comparison: Choose another trading program with the same trading partner to be displayed in the executive summary.
- Executive summary: Click to view the executive summary.
Step 6: Click the Save button to ensure any changes you have made are applied.
When viewing the program PDF, the label of the workflow status will be displayed in the footer.
Step 7: If you have changed the workflow status to approved or signed off, click on the … button in the top right corner and select Activate to ensure your trading program is active. Active trading programs are displayed in other areas including the Finance app, Progress Tracker, and Executive Dashboard.
What’s next?
Interested in reviewing the workflow status of your trading programs? Learn how to generate the workflow report here.