When Executive Summary is enabled, the workflow process is displayed differently in a trading program’s Approvals tab. Executive Summary simplifies the review and approval process of trading programs including a high-level overview of expected earnings, comparison with previous periods and other essential details.
This facilitates quick access to important information, helping you to make more informed decisions during the approval process.
This article will guide you through how to start the workflow using Executive Summary.
Looking for something else?
Not yet created the proposal program which requires approval? Learn how to create a trading program here.
Looking to evaluate programs with Executive Summary? Learn how to review Executive Summary trading programs here.
How to start the workflow using Executive Summary
Once your trading program proposal has been created, the workflow status will be set to Draft, indicating that the trading program has not yet initiated the approval process.
To start the workflow using Executive Summary:
Step 1: In your trading program, click on the Approval tab and click the Start Configuration button at the bottom left. This opens a new To-do list with the steps required to initiate automatic workflow.
Step 2: Review the calculated baseline earnings for the proposal program. If net spends are enabled, enter your net spend for the applicable division. Click Confirm.
Note: If you are not satisfied with the displayed figures, you should review the trading program or program line setup to ensure it’s configured correctly. If the setup is correct but the numbers remain unexpected, review the transaction report for any discrepancies.
Step 3: Set the checkbox for Comparison period to select one or more trading programs to compare with your current proposal, for example last year’s program. This will display the total earnings of both programs.
Alternatively, set the checkbox for the New period to compare your current proposal with another trading program from the same period and evaluate their performance side by side. Click Confirm to proceed to the next section or click Save if you want to adjust these comparisons later.
Note: By default, the current program proposal is included as the New period and is not displayed in the list for selection.
Step 4: Click on Upload attachment if you wish to upload any supporting documents or provide a summary of the program. Click Confirm. If not required, click Confirm with no summary.
Step 5: Review the approval hierarchy to ensure that the relevant users and collaborators are included in the workflow hierarchy for this trading program. If users in the workflow need to be changed, click here for configuring workflow roles or here for configuring organizational hierarchies. Once you are happy with the approval hierarchy displayed in Executive Summary, click Confirm.
Step 6: Review the final components of the executive summary before beginning the workflow. For details of each section, refer to Reviewing programs with Executive Summary. Click Confirm.
Step 7: After confirming all steps, you will have access to the final trading program overview. Click Confirm workflow to begin the approval process.
Note: Clicking on the Cancel configuration button will navigate you back to the initial To-do list, requiring you to revisit and confirm each step again.
Once you have confirmed workflow, the next user in the workflow will receive an automated email, prompting them to approve or reject the proposed trading program. The email will include a link that takes them directly to the Approvals tab.
Step 8: The trading program is now locked and no longer editable. To make further adjustments, click Unlock Trading Program to return to the initial To-do list.
You may be required to sign off on behalf of a user to move the workflow to the next step. To do this, click Sign off on behalf of.
Note: Any user involved in the approval process can use the Stop workflow button to restart the workflow. This action has the same effect as the Reject button, yet this is only available to those currently signing off the trading program.
What’s next?
Interested in reviewing the workflow status of your trading programs? Learn how to generate the workflow report here.