Watchlist uses forecasting to highlight program lines using targeted mechanisms that:
Present an opportunity for proactive spending in order to obtain a higher earnings band; or
May be at risk of missing an earnings band if the forecasted spend is not achieved.
Watchlist uses the accruals set for your targeted/tiered program lines. You can either set accruals manually on the program line, or automatically if you're using the Forecasting app. If accruals are not set for a program line, it will not be displayed in Watchlist.
Trading partners displayed in Watchlist are those you have access to based on your access settings set by channel admin users.
This article will guide you through:
Looking for something else?
Looking for an overview of how you’re progressing towards spending targets? Learn about Progress Tracker here.
Alternatively, see our Help Center for more on trading programs.
How to access Watchlist
To access Watchlist:
Step 1: Click on Trading programs in the green banner at the top of the page.
Step 2: Click on Watchlist in the drop-down menu.
Tip: Can’t see the Watchlist option in this menu? You may need to ask one of your channel admin users to grant app access for your user.
The Opportunities tab displays a tile per trading partner. Trading partners are displayed in descending order of the value of earnings impact for the largest opportunity for a program line within the trading partner.
Each trading partner tile displays the following information:
Spend required: If the Forecasting app is used, this is the additional spend above the forecast spend that is required to achieve the next target band. If accruals are set manually, this is the additional spend above the accrual spend that is required to achieve the next target band.
Earnings impact: If the Forecasting app is used, this is the potential extra earnings that would be gained if the band above the forecast band is met. If accruals are set manually, this is the potential extra earnings that would be gained if the band above the accrual band is met.
Note: Details for a trading partner’s program line may not be displayed if no target band has been met yet. For example, if the first target band for a program line is for $10,000 at 1% but transactions are below this, the program line will not be displayed in Watchlist. Setting a minimum target band on a program line (e.g. $0 at 0%) would resolve this if required.
Tip: A number next to the trading partner’s name may be displayed in green rather than grey if a channel admin user has set an opportunity threshold. Use this to easily identify which opportunities to review in Watchlist.
Click on a trading partner to display its program lines in descending order of earnings impact.
In addition to the individual program line’s earnings impact and spend required, each line displays the following details:
Program line name: Click on the program line name to navigate to its details within the trading program. Tip: Use this to quickly see the items that should be purchased in order to meet targets.
Program line details: Displays the term and currency of the program line, in addition to the calculation type. A calculation type will typically be Standard; alternatively, Complex may be displayed if deductions, non-retrospective target bands, discounts, or separate targets and earnings are used.
Bands: Displays the number of target bands for the program line. Click on bands to display the target bands alongside the actual (A), forecast (F) and accrual (C) spends.
Notes: The note added when the accrual band was set for the program line.
Progress spend: The percentage of progress towards the target band for the program line. For a program line with monetary targets or a growth program line with a monetary baseline, this will be a monetary value, whereas for a program line with unit targets or a growth program line with unit baseline, this will be the forecast in units.
Progress time: The percentage of progress through the program line in time, based on the date of the most recent transaction. For example, if a program line’s term is January 1st to December 31st, on July 1st the progress time will be approximately 50%.
Tip: Use this information to action or encourage proactive spending, in order to obtain a higher earnings band.
The Risks tab displays a tile per trading partner. Trading partners are displayed in descending order of the value of earnings impact for the largest risk for a program line within the trading partner.
Each trading partner tile displays the following information:
Spend required: If the Forecasting app is used, this is the shortfall in spending relative to the forecast, which would result in the accrual band being missed. If accruals are set manually, this is the shortfall in spending relative to the accrual which would result in the accrual band being missed.
Earnings impact: The potential impact on earnings if the band is missed.
Tip: A number next to the trading partner’s name may be displayed in red rather than grey if a channel admin user has set a risk threshold. Use this to easily identify which risks to review in Watchlist.
Click on a trading partner to display its program lines in descending order of earnings impact.
In addition to the individual program line’s earnings impact and spend required, each line displays the same details outlined above for the Opportunites tab, but related to risks for each program line.
Tip: Use this information to action or encourage proactive spending, in order to ensure an earnings band is not missed.
View my team’s responsibilities
The View my team's responsibilities toggle (displayed at the top of the Opportunities and RIsks tabs) is based on the line manager to user hierarchy. This will display a subset of data in Watchlist if your channel uses this hierarchy mapping.
Toggle on to only display Watchlist data for trading programs where members of your team are trading program leads.
Within the Download tab, click the Request Download button to save a CSV file of all Watchlist data, regardless of the display limit set.
The downloaded file contains one sheet for opportunities and another for risks.
If an accrual band hasn’t been set for a targeted program line, the line will still be displayed in the downloaded file with limited information.
What’s next?
Interested in changing the display limit or threshold settings for Watchlist? Learn how to configure Watchlist settings as a channel admin user here.