Executive Dashboard provides a summary of your trading programs' performance in real-time.
Executive Dashboard highlights the insights your executives and teams need to make strategic business decisions. These decisions range from ensuring the timely renewal of trading programs, to taking advantage of reviewing the biggest areas where rebates are currently earned.
This article will guide you through:
- How to access Executive Dashboard
- Opportunities: Views
- Opportunities: Data
- Renewal status
- Renewals timeline
- Compliance
- Top non-rebatable dimension items
- Top non-rebatable transactions
- Filters
Looking for something else?
- Looking for an overview of Executive Dashboard for special pricing agreements rather than rebate agreements? Click here to understand Executive Dashboard insights for SPAs.
- Alternatively, see our Help Center for more on Trading Programs.
How to access Executive Dashboard
To access Executive Dashboard:
Step 1: Click the hub switcher icon (nine dots) in the top right.
Step 2: Click on Executive dashboard.
Tip: Can’t see the Executive dashboard option in the list of apps here? You may need to ask one of your channel admin users to grant app access for your user. Alternatively, reach out to the Enable Support team to discuss Executive Dashboard for your channel if this is not yet available for your channel admin users.
When viewing Executive Dashboard, use the Trading Programs/SPAs toggle to select Trading Programs to display your rebate agreement data.
Opportunities: Views
The Opportunities section displays a condensed view of Progress Tracker.
By default, this section is sorted by Line Opportunity, i.e. program lines are ordered by opportunity/reward score, from the greatest to the least. This allows you to quickly view and action the program lines that will be the most beneficial to progress as a priority since the higher the score, the greater the opportunity.
Note: This view may be different if you are using a saved view from Progress Tracker
Click on the three dots in the top right corner to display the following options:
- Open Progress Tracker - default: Click to navigate to Progress Tracker, sorted by line opportunity from the highest score to lowest.
- Configure saved views: Click to navigate to the advanced filters and saved views in Progress Tracker. Tip: Try using saved views for enhanced sorting of the Opportunities tile in Executive Dashboard. Learn more about configuring progress tracker views here.
Note: The ability to view program lines for each trading partner in the Opportunities tile mirrors permissions for Progress Tracker. Reach out to a channel admin user if you cannot see program lines for a trading partner you expect to be mapped to.
Opportunities: Data
The opportunities data provides a quick view of how close you are to the next tier, and how far away you are from the program line ending. Tip: Use this to maximize rebate earning potential with more strategic spending.
Each opportunity displays:
- Program line: Displays the program line's reference, the trading partner, and start and end dates of the program line. Tip: Click on the reference to navigate the program line settings in a new browser tab, for example to review qualifying transactions or forecasting.
- Rebate: The Current rebate earned to date for the program line, in addition to the Forecast value of the rebate that will be earned for the program line in its entirety, based on forecast transactions.
- Opportunity/Reward: The additional spend required to reach the next target band and the opportunity/reward score for the program line.
Progress: The progress towards the next target band, using the following color coding:
- Green: All targets have been achieved, so there are no more additional targets.
- Yellow: You are forecast to achieve the next target.
- Red: You are forecast to miss the next target.
To the right of the progress bar, the number of target bands beyond the current band being progressed is displayed. For example, +4 indicates that the current target band has not yet been achieved, and 4 additional target bands exist beyond the current band.
Click on the progress bars to display detailed progress towards the target bands for the program line.
Renewal status
The renewal statuses chart provide visibility into which programs need to be renewed, and an overview of the financial risk if programs are overdue.
Tip: Click on a renewal status segment in the donut chart or tile to display a list of trading programs in that status, e.g. to action those that are due for renewal.
Click the … (three dots) in the top-right of the Renewal status to display the following options:
- Status: By default, the chart displays Renewals. Select Workflow to display trading program workflow statuses, i.e. where each is in the approval process.
- Figures: By default, the chart displays Earnings. Select Transactions to display statuses at transaction line level across multiple program lines, rather than by rebate earnings. For example: If two separate program lines had the same qualifying transactions, the transactions for these would be counted twice in the chart when displaying Earnings.
Renewals timeline
The renewals timeline bar chart displays when each program is due for renewal and the total baseline earnings by month, allowing you to confidently plan and transition into your new agreements. You also have visibility if any programs are overdue, and the potential earnings impact of leaving them unattended.
Tip: Click on a bar in the chart to display a list of trading programs in that status, e.g. to action those that are due for renewal.
The compliance overview displays the proportion of YTD relatable transactions to YTD non-rebatable transactions for the current calendar year. This considers all transactions uploaded into your Enable channel and whether the transactions have been applied to a trading program.
Tip: Use this to be proactive with trading partners where you don’t have any rebate agreements currently, for example to make strategic decisions or negotiate mutually beneficial trading programs.
Tip: To review a more detailed report of all non-rebatable transactions, generate a transaction report using the filter to consider unassigned transactions only.
Top non-rebatable dimension items
This section displays the dimension items (e.g. individual products) where you have the greatest transaction value, but the dimension items are not included in any program lines.
Tip: Use this to review strategies for items where you are not currently benefiting from rebates.
To change the type of dimension displayed, click the dimension's name in the top right and select another available dimension from the drop-down menu.
By default, the top three non-rebatable items are displayed. To review values for all dimension items within the selected dimension, click the two squares button in the top right corner.
Top non-rebatable transactions
This section displays the trading partners where you have the greatest transaction value but the transactions do not qualify in any program lines. Note: This doesn’t include transactions which qualify for a program line but haven’t yet earned rebate.
Tip: Use this to review strategies for trading partners where you have the greatest transaction value but are not currently benefiting from rebates.
By default, trading partners for the three highest volumes of non-rebatable transactions are displayed. To review non-rebatable transaction values for all trading partners, click the two squares button in the top right corner.
Click the trading partner's name to navigate a specific dashboard for this trading partner.
The trading partner dashboard displays a chart with the total value of transactions per month (left axis) and the effective rebate rate (right axis).
The tiles to the right of the chart display the year-to-date total of transactions and earnings, as well as information related to the lifecycle of the relevant trading programs. This includes the number of trading programs fully signed this year, the total number of trading programs, and those that have ended in the last twelve months.
Click on the Configure view button in the top right of Executive Dashboard to set Filters for the trading programs data displayed. The filters available are:
- Currency: Select a currency to only display data for trading programs where the given currency has been configured in the program’s Settings tab.
- View by Trading Partners: Click to type and select an individual trading partner to only display data for trading programs involving the selected trading partner.
Renewals segment:
- View by users: Select a user to view program renewal statuses where they are the trading partner's lead user. Note: Channel admin users can specify lead users within the trading partner to user mapping hierarchy.
What’s next?
Looking to see how much rebate your programs are earning? Learn about the program earnings report here.