Executive Dashboard provides a targeted overview to an executive audience, showing an overall summary of performance for your special pricing agreements (SPAs) in real-time.
Executive Dashboard highlights the insights your executives and teams need to make strategic business decisions. These decisions range from ensuring the timely renewal of SPAs, to taking advantage of reviewing the biggest areas where support is earned currently.
This article will guide you through:
- How to access Executive Dashboard for SPAs
- Navigating Executive Dashboard for SPAs
- Headline tiles
- Renewal status
- Top products by claim value
- Top end customers by claim value
- Historical 6-months claims
- Filters
Looking for something else?
- Looking for an overview of Executive Dashboard for rebate agreements rather than SPAs? Click here to understand Executive Dashboard insights for trading programs.
- Alternatively, see our Help Center for more on SPAs.
To access Executive Dashboard:
Step 1: Click the hub switcher icon (nine dots) in the top right. This will show you the Apps you have access to. You can see an example below.
Step 2: Click on Executive dashboard.

When viewing Executive Dashboard, use the Trading Programs/SPAs toggle to select SPAs to view your special pricing data.
Find out more about each section of Executive Dashboard below.

The 2 headline tiles on the left display overall details for your SPAs data. The tiles display:
- Claims in the last six months: The total monetary value of support paid/claimable in the past 6 months within the months displayed.
- Average number of transactions per active agreement: A calculated average of transaction lines per SPA with a contract status of Approved.
Tip: Review the average number of transactions number to determine whether you can optimize your SPAs further by increasing spend.
Renewal statuses clearly indicate the volume of the SPAs which are due for renewal or inactive, providing visibility into the actions that need to be taken.
Renewal statuses are displayed via a donut chart providing the percentages of active, due for renewal, and inactive SPAs. The ledger breakdown displays the total volume of SPAs alongside the number of SPAs currently in each renewal status.
Tip: To action SPAs which are due for renewal, learn how to find your SPAs here before renewing SPAs.
Top products by claim value displays the top 5 products where support is earned, ordered by largest claim value.
Tip: Use this list to review whether your top products could be optimized in additional SPAs, and where you may be missing out on claims/incentivizing support if a highly sold product is not listed here. Dive deeper into your transactional data for products by running a transactions report with a dimension filter for your products, or view by products.

Top end customers by claim value displays the top 5 end customers where support is earned, ordered by largest claim value.
Tip: Use this list to review whether your top end customers could be optimized in additional SPAs, and where you may be missing out on claims/incentivizing support if a highly transacted end customer is not listed here. Dive deeper into your transactional data for products by running a transactions report with a customer filter.

Historical claims are displayed via a graph providing a view of support earned across the past 6 months, indicating potential seasonality patterns in the support value earned.
Tip: Use this graph to review whether claim values could be optimized in future months by introducing additional SPAs, or increasing support earned through sales behavior.

Click on the Configure view button in the top right of Executive Dashboard to set Filters for all data displayed in the SPAs view of Executive Dashboard. The filters available are:
- Currency: Select a currency to only display data for SPAs where the given currency has been configured in the SPA’s Terms tab.
- View by Trading Partners: Click to type and select an individual trading partner to only display data for SPAs involving the selected Manufacturer/Distributor.
- View by end customers: Click to type and select an individual end customer to only display data for SPAs involving the selected end customer.

What’s next?
Ready to renew a number of your SPAs? Learn how to renew special pricing agreements here.
Looking to see how much support your SPAs are earning? Learn how to run the special pricing support report here.