The special pricing support report allows you to review how much support has been calculated for your special pricing agreements (SPAs) based on various aggregations of data, in addition to transactions that haven’t been matched to a SPA.
This article will guide you through:
- How to navigate to the SPA support report
- How to use filters in the SPA support report
- Viewing the SPA support report results
- Understanding the support report results
Looking for something else?
- Looking to report on the details within your agreements? Learn about the SPA details report here.
- Alternatively, see our Help Center for more on SPAs.
To access the SPA support report in the Special pricing agreements app:
Step 1: Click on Reports in the green banner at the top of the page.
Step 2: Click on Support in the drop-down menu.
Filters on the support report can be used to add more context to report results. Filters are all optional except the Manufacturer/Distributor field. The filters available are:
- Manufacturers: Only displayed if your organization is the distributor. Click the hamburger icon to select one or more manufacturers to only display transactions where the specified manufacturer(s) were involved. If left as None, the report results will include all manufacturers.
- Distributors: Only displayed if your organization is the manufacturer. Click the hamburger icon to select one or more distributors to only display transactions where the specified distributor(s) were involved. If left as None, the report results will include all distributors.
- End-customers: Click the hamburger icon to select one or more customers to only display transactions where the specified end-customer(s) were involved. If left as None, the report results will include all end-customers.
- Date from: Select a date to only display transactions dated on or after the selected date.
- Date to: Select a date to only display transactions dated on or before the selected date.
- Show unmatched transactions: Set the checkbox to display all matched and unmatched transactions fitting the chosen criteria. If the checkbox is blank, only matched transactions will be displayed in the support report.
- Special pricing agreement: Type to search by SPA Reference or Agreement name, and click to select one or more SPA to filters transactions displayed to those that are matched to the selected agreement(s). When one or more SPA is selected here, the Show unmatched transactions field is disabled.
- Currency: Select one or more currency, to filter results to only display transactions for a given currency (or currencies). Options to select from are based on currencies configured in your channel.
- Aggregate: Select None or Frequency to display aggregated report results.
- Frequency: Only displayed when Frequency is selected in the Aggregate filter, allowing you to group transactions based on the selected time period. Options available to select from are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annual, or None. If set to None, the report results will display by individual transaction line rather than grouping transaction lines by day, week, month, quarter, or year.
When you are ready, click the Preview button at the bottom of the page to view your report's results.
Alternatively, click the Reset button to change all filters to their defaults.
Once you have clicked to Preview results from the filters page, the support report will be displayed.
Additional columns within the report can be viewed by scrolling to the right of the report screen, and arrows in the top right will allow you to navigate through the pages of results.
Alternatively, the buttons below the report can be used to:
- Download to save and view the results for this report as a CSV file.
- Change criteria to navigate back to the support report filters to make any amendments.
The support report results will display the following columns:
- Manufacturer reference: Only displayed if your organization is the distributor. The reference of the distributor, as specified in the transaction file.
- Distributor reference: Only displayed if your organization is the manufacturer. The reference of the manufacturer, as specified in the transaction file.
- End-customer reference: The reference of the end-customer, as specified in the transaction file.
- End-customer account: Only displayed if your organization uses end-customer accounts. The reference of the end-customer account, as specified in the transaction file.
- Transaction date (Displayed if a frequency of None or Daily has been selected): The date on which the transaction occurred, i.e. the date the product was sold to the end-customer, as specified in the transaction file imported. Dates will only be displayed where transactions occurred.
- Transaction start date (Displayed if a frequency of Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Annually has been selected): Date of the start of a period. Periods will only be displayed where transactions occurred for the period.
- Transaction end date (Displayed if a frequency of Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Annually has been selected): Date of the end of a period. Periods will only be displayed where transactions occurred for the period.
- SPA reference on transaction (Displayed only if a frequency of None has been selected): The agreement reference relating to the SPA in Enable for the transaction line, i.e. the SPA the claim has been made against, if specified in the transaction file imported.
- Has matched agreement reference? (Displayed only if a frequency of None has been selected): Displays Yes if the agreement reference supplied in the transaction file matches the agreement Enable has calculated support for. Displays No if the agreement reference supplied in the transaction file does not match the agreement Enable has calculated support for. This will be blank if no agreement reference was supplied in the transaction file.
- Matched SPA reference: The reference of the agreement Enable has calculated support for, if applicable.
- Matched agreement name: The name of the agreement Enable has calculated support for, if applicable.
- Receipt (Displayed only if the Quantity Ledger is enabled for the channel): Displays the PO receipts matched to the sales and return transactions. Tip: Use this to understand how transactions have been matched and which cost basis was used in the calculations.
- Tag (Displayed only if a frequency of None has been selected): The tag from the matched agreement, if applicable. This will be blank if there is no tag on the matched agreement.
- Branch: The name of the branch associated with the branch reference specified in the transaction file imported. Refers to the distributor’s branch the product was sold from.
- Branch reference: The reference of the branch, as specified in the transaction file imported. Refers to the distributor’s branch the product was sold from.
- Delivery type: The name of the delivery type associated with the delivery type reference specified in the transaction file imported. Refers to the delivery type of the transaction (i.e. sold through distributor stock or direct from manufacturer).
- Delivery type reference: The reference of the delivery type, as specified in the transaction file imported.
- External reference: The reference of the SPA, as specified in the transaction file imported. Refers to the SPA the uploading user was targeting for support on the associated transaction.
- Invoice reference: The invoice reference for the transaction line, if specified in the transaction file imported.
- Order reference: The order reference for the transaction line, if specified in the transaction file imported.
- Delivery reference: The delivery reference for the transaction line, if specified in the transaction file imported.
- Product: The name of the transacted product associated with the product reference specified in the transaction file imported.
- Product reference: The reference of the product, as specified in the transaction file imported.
- Transacted units: The total prorated amount of units that are supported (or unsupported) for the given transaction date(s).
- Transacted value: The total transacted monetary value, based on the number of units calculated on the matched SPA. Note: If a transaction has been split between two or more SPAs, the transacted value will be split between the number of matched SPAs accordingly, to ensure that each transacted value is not over-inflated.
- Forfeited support: Not currently applicable for SPAs; coming soon.
- Actual support: The amount of support the transaction(s) for the given transaction date(s) is calculated to earn, i.e. how much support the manufacturer owes the distributor.
- Distributor estimate (Displayed only if your organization is a manufacturer): The estimated support the distributor expects to receive from the transaction(s) for the given transaction date(s), if Advised earnings was specified in the transaction file imported.
- Difference: Calculates the actual support minus the distributor estimate.
- Unsupported reason (Displayed only if a frequency of None has been selected): The reason the transaction was not supported. Learn more about each unsupported reason here.
- Avg. price per unit: Calculates the total transacted units divided by total transacted value.
- Actual support per unit: Calculates the actual support divided by total transacted units.
- Currency: The currency of the transaction(s) for the given transaction date(s), as specified in the transaction file imported.
What’s next?
Looking to understand reasons your SPAs may not be supported? Learn more about each unsupported reason here.
Want to dive deeper into the raw transactions that have contributed to the support report? Learn how to run the SPA transactions report here.