The SPA details report allows you to view a breakdown of all the products included in each of your SPAs, with detail of how much support is applicable and the final net rebate and support price for each product. This allows you to share more details about your special pricing agreements (SPAs) with your partners beyond the information displayed on the SPA PDF.
This article will guide you through:
- How to navigate to the SPA details report
- How to use filters in the SPA details report
- Viewing the SPA details report results
- Understanding the SPA details report results
Looking for something else?
- Looking to report on the support calculated from your agreements? Learn about the SPA support report here.
- Alternatively, see our Help Center for more on SPAs.
To access the SPA details report in the Special pricing agreements app:
Step 1: Click on Reports in the green banner at the top of the page
Step 2: Click on SPA details in the drop-down menu.
Alternatively, the report can also be downloaded within an individual SPA (under the SPA actions using the Download CSV button). Note: Only the latest version of a SPA can be downloaded.
Filters on the support report report can be used to add more context to report results. Filters are all optional. The filters available are:
- Manufacturers: Only displayed if your organization is the distributor. Click the hamburger icon to select a manufacturer to only display SPAs where the specified manufacturer was involved. If your organization is the distributor, a manufacturer is required in order to preview and download the report.
- Distributors: Only displayed if your organization is the manufacturer. Click the hamburger icon to select a distributor to only display SPAs where the specified distributor was involved. If your organization is the manufacturer, a distributor is required in order to preview and download the report.
- End-customers: Click the hamburger icon to select one or more customers to filter results to only use transactions where the specified end-customer(s) were involved. If left as None, the report results will include all end-customers. Alternatively, within this selection, set the checkbox for Include agreements for “Any end-customer”.
- Date from: Select a date to only include SPAs with a start date on or after the selected date. If left blank, the report results will include SPAs with start dates for all dates.
- Date to: Select a date to only include SPAs with an end date on or before the selected date. Any SPAs that overlap this period (including partially) will be included in the report. If left blank, the report results will include SPAs with end dates for all dates.
- Approval statuses: Click to select Approved to only display active SPAs, or Draft (valid) to only display SPAs where all required fields have been filled out and where the SPAs are pending an approved state (i.e. SPAs with a contract status of Ready for approval)
When you are ready, click the Preview button at the bottom of the page to view your report's results.
Alternatively, click the Reset button to change all filters to their defaults.
Once you have clicked to Preview results from the filters page, the SPA details report will be displayed.
Additional columns within the report can be viewed by scrolling to the right of the report screen, and arrows in the top right will allow you to navigate through the pages of results.
Alternatively, the buttons below the report can be used to:
- Download to save and view the results for this report as a CSV file.
- Change criteria to navigate back to the SPA details report filters to make any amendments.
The SPA details report will display the below columns:
- SPA reference: The reference on the SPA.
- Agreement name: The name on the SPA.
- Approval status: Displays Approved if the SPA is active, or Draft (valid) if the SPA has all required fields filled out and is pending an approved state.
- Currency: The currency on the SPA.
- Distributor: Only displayed if your organization is the manufacturer. The name of the distributor involved in the SPA.
- Manufacturer: Only displayed if your organization is the distributor. The name of the manufacturer involved in the SPA.
- End-customer: The name of the end-customer involved in the SPA, or Any end customer if this was specified on the SPA.
- Branches: The name(s) of branches selected on the SPA.
- Product reference: The reference used to match transactions to the product in Enable.
- Product name: The product name set in Enable and used for product selections on a SPA.
- Quantity: The quantity inputted per product on the SPA. If no quantity exists, N/A is displayed.
- Price: The numerical price of the product selected on the SPA, displayed to two decimal points. Takes into account price list changes based on the Relevant price list version setting on the SPA.
- Total rebate (percentage value): The percentage of rebate the distributor will receive on the product, or the manufacturer will pay on the product. If the Reduce support by rebate checkbox is not set on the SPA but program lines have been added to the Rebate interactions section of the SPA, the sum of the program line percentages for this product will be displayed (only if the program lines use % of List Price or Fixed % Rate mechanisms).
- Total rebate (monetary value): The monetary amount of rebate the distributor will receive on the product, or the manufacturer will pay on the product. If the Reduce support by rebate checkbox is not set on the SPA but program lines have been added to the Rebate interactions section of the SPA, the total rebate (monetary value) is calculated as Total rebate (percentage value) multiplied by Price (only if the program lines use % of List Price or Fixed % Rate mechanisms).
- Support %: The percentage of support the distributor will receive on the product, or the manufacturer will pay on the product, calculated using the price. A Support % column is displayed for each delivery type.
- Support: The monetary value of support the distributor will receive on the product, or the manufacturer will pay on the product, calculated using the price. A Support column is displayed for each delivery type.
- Net rebate and support price: The monetary value the distributor will buy the product for, or the manufacturer will sell the product for, once rebates and support have been received/paid. Calculated as Price minus Total rebate (monetary value) minus Support. A Net rebate and support price column is displayed for each delivery type.
What’s next?
Want to make a change to an existing SPA? Click here to learn how to update an existing special pricing agreement.
Looking to share your SPAs with your trading partners? Click here to learn how to invite Collaborators.
Interested in seeing the support calculated from your agreements? Learn about the SPA support report here.