View filters allow you to narrow down the data in Progress Tracker to the information most beneficial for you and your organization.
Values displayed in Progress Tracker can be customized for easy visibility of the data you need to review.
This article will guide you through:
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View filters
Click the View button in the top right of Progress Tracker and select a tile to display your data using one of the views below.
Transactions: The default view which orders trading partners by value of transactions.
Rebates: Orders trading partners by value of rebates, i.e. the most earned rebate to the least.
Line opportunity: Orders program lines by opportunity/reward score, from the greatest to least. Tip: Use this to quickly view and action the program lines which will be the most beneficial to progress as a priority.
Advanced: Allows different ordering and selections to be made.
Below the View tiles, the following configurable options can be set, regardless of the view filter selected:
Currency: Select a currency to only display program lines configured in that currency.
Actual or effective transactions: Select effective transactions to display figures net of discounts and deductions. Tip: Target bands are net of deductions and discounts. Consider this when analzsing key figures such as opportunity/reward scores and next band spend.
Simplified or detailed values: Select simplified values to round values to the nearest 3 significant figures. For example, a detailed value of $1658.55 would round to a simplified value of $1660. Tip: Use detailed values when ensuring targets are achieved and not narrowly missed by a minimal monetary amount. Alternatively, use simplified values to display a cleaner overview of your trading programs.
Advanced view
Advanced views can be used to refine the data you see in Progress Tracker, including table customizations and other filters.
Search by partners: Filter to display only specific trading partners in your Progress Tracker data.
Persist partner selection to Executive Dashboard: Set the checkbox to use the same trading partners selection in Executive Dashboard’s Opportunities section.
Include indirect transactions and rebate earnings: If your Enable channel uses indirect rebates, use this toggle to determine if indirect rebates are included in the trading partner headline tiles.
Group program lines by trading partner data: Set the checkbox to group program lines by trading partner name, transactions, or rebate. Program lines can be grouped in either ascending or descending order.
Table program lines: Choose how to order data displayed: by opportunity, program line transactions, program line rebate, start date or end date (of the program line). Program line tables can be displayed in either ascending or descending order.
Dimension filters: Select dimension items either directly or via attribute values to filter Progress Tracker to display only program lines that contain any of the selected dimension items. Using a dimension filter does not affect any figures displayed, but simply hides program lines that don’t have any of the selected dimension items in the qualifying dimension item selection. Tip: Use this for additional insights. For example, if you purchase the same product from multiple suppliers, use this to review which rebate program would be most beneficial to purchase through.
Show non-targeted program lines: Set the checkbox for all program lines to be displayed, regardless of whether a mechanism with target bands is used. For non-targeted program lines, N/A is displayed for To next band (within the Progress column), since there are no bands.
Show ended program lines: Set the checkbox for data to include program lines which are past their end date.
My saved views
Saved views are visible to only you as a user, allowing you to view the data important to you individually.
To save a specific filter selection, select your advanced filters then click the Save as new view button.
Alternatively, click the + button next to My saved views to save the filter options currently displayed.
To edit a saved view name, click on the pencil icon, or click on the bin icon to delete a saved view.
Up to 10 saved views can be added by each user. Saved views used here also transfer into the opportunities section in Executive Dashboard, using the Persist partner selection to Executive Dashboard advanced view setting.
Tip: Use saved views to quickly reuse sets of filters you commonly use together. You can also bookmark a saved view in your browser for easy access to review your Progress Tracker data.
What’s next?
Looking to learn what your Progress Tracker data means after applying a filter? Learn more about using Progress Tracker here.