The debtors and creditors reports provides a summary of due and overdue rebate earnings, grouped into aged time periods per trading partner and per trading program.
This report is referred to as the creditors report for customer rebate channels and the debtors report for supplier rebate channels.
This article will guide you through:
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- Looking to generate a different report in the Finance app? Learn more about the Finance app here.
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Accessing the report
To access the debtors or creditors report:
Step 1: Click on Finance in the green banner at the top of the page.
Step 2: Click on Debtors report or Creditors report in the drop-down menu.
If you are already in the Finance app, the report can also be accessed by clicking the first tab toward the top left of the screen.
Note: If the Finance menu is not available, a channel admin user at your organization will need to provide you with the correct user permissions.
The report will display a live view of agreements, any due or overdue rebates, and some general trading program information. Agreements must be active to display in the debtors report, proposal agreements will not be displayed.
The report columns include trading partner information, trading program information, and age of debt.
Trading partner information
- Trading partner: The owner of the trading program. Note: In the above screenshot, this corresponds to the Supplier column.
- Lead Cash Collector: The Enable channel user that is mapped to this trading partner as the Lead Cash Collector. If no one is mapped, this will be blank. Learn how to assign users to trading partners as lead cash collectors here.
- Unallocated (not deducted): The sum of payments loaded against this trading partner that are not allocated to a payment line. Tip: Learn how to allocate payments to payment lines here.
Trading program information
- Reference: The name of the trading program.
- Start Date: The date when the trading program starts.
- End Date: The date when the trading program ends.
- Type: The trading program type that the program belongs to.
- Currency: The currency of the transactions and earnings of the trading program.
Age of debt
The Age section of the report provides an overview of outstanding rebates grouped by how overdue they are. Learn more about how the age of debt is calculated here.
Tip: Use the aged debt details to prioritize who to chase or who to pay first.
The ages displayed are:
- Not yet due: The amount of rebate earnings on payment lines that have not ended.
- < 0 days: The amount of rebate earnings for payment lines where the end date has passed but due date has not yet been reached.
- 0-30 days: The amount of rebate earnings for payment lines between 0 and 30 days due.
- 31-60 days: The amount of rebate earnings for payment lines between 31 and 60 days due.
- 61-90 days: The amount of rebate earnings for payment lines between 61 and 90 days due.
- 91+ days: The amount of rebate earnings for payment lines more than 90 days due.
- Total due: The sum of the amounts in the columns 0-30 days to 91+ days. This column may also include the < 0 days column amount in the sum, depending on your channel setup.
- Total debt: The sum of all columns from Not yet due to 91+ due.
If a trading partner exists more than once in the report, a subtotal row will be displayed for the trading partner immediately following the trading program lines for that partner. The subtotal row will sum up the unallocated payments as well as each aged debt column and will have blanks for the trading partner information columns.
Tip: Click on a trading program row in the report to display a breakdown by program line.
When viewing the program lines for a trading program, you will have the following options:
- View trading program: Click the button in the top right corner of the screen to navigate to the selected trading program edit/view page.
- View trading program notes: Click the button in the top right corner of the screen to review the trading program notes for the selected trading program, or add trading program notes if you have edit access to the trading program.
- Click on a program line row in the listing to display the payment lines associated with the selected program line, allowing you to review aged debt at the most granular level.
Filtering the report
Filters can be used to apply criteria to the aged debts displayed in the report. Filters are all optional except for Trading partner which is mandatory.
The filters available are:
- Trading partners: At least one trading partner must be selected. Trading partners can be included manually, by attribute, or by Select all.
- Trading program types: Display aged debt by trading program type.
- Lead cash collectors: Filter aged debts by the responsible user, if you have users mapped to trading partners as lead cash collectors.
- Aged debt periods: Display aged debt by specific period(s).
- Agreement start date from: Display aged debt for agreements starting on or after a specific date.
- Agreement start date to: Display aged debt for agreements starting on or before a specific date.
- Report start date: Display aged debt for payment lines that become due on or after a specific date.
- Deduct unallocated payments: Set the checkbox to add the Unallocated amount per trading partner to the Total due and Total debt amounts to display how much rebate would be outstanding if all unallocated payments were allocated to the agreement.
Note: Selecting Deduct unallocated payments will not allocate your unallocated payments. This only displays how your balances would change if the payments were to be allocated.
Only show trading partners with unallocated receipts: Set the checkbox to only display aged debt for trading partners that have unallocated payments.
When you have finished making your selection, click the Search button in the bottom right corner of the panel.
To clear your current search criteria, click the Reset button.
Downloading the report
Downloading the report allows you to display all the aged debt data from your search in a single CSV file.
To download the report:
Step 1: Click the Download button in the bottom left of the page.
Step 2: Select from the following options:
- Aggregation level: This refers to the granularity of the report, with the options: Trading program, Program line, or Payment line.
- Include subtotals: Set the checkbox if required in the report.
Step 3: Click the Download button to generate the CSV file.
The downloaded file will contain all columns displayed in the platform, with additional columns for program line and/or payment line details if the report is run at a different aggregation level.
What’s next?
Interested in viewing a log of payments and adjustments that have been recorded in your channel? Learn more about the payment history report here.
Ready to record a payment or receipt? Learn how to manage payments and more in the Finance app here.