Dimension items are assigned within a program line for a trading program, to determine the dimension items which qualify for rebate earnings.
Depending on the mechanism, when configuring a program line you may be required to assign one or more dimension items from a collection for each dimension to the program line.
Dimension items can be assigned by using rules for efficiency, or direct selections for more specific program line requirements.
For the necessary mechanisms (i.e. mechanisms which calculate based on transactions that have dimension items), dimension items must be selected in order for the program line to save.
This article will guide you through:
- How to select all items
- How to manually select items
- Creating an inclusion rule
- Creating direct inclusions
- Creating an exclusion rule
- Creating direct exclusions
- Deleting inclusion and exclusion rules
Looking for something else?
- Looking to link dimension items to a collection within your channel data? Learn how to allocate dimension items to a collection here.
- Interested in understanding the purpose of dimension collections? Learn how to make use of collections here.
- Alternatively, see our Help Center for more on trading programs.
Selecting all items allows you to include all items currently displayed in the program line for the dimension collection (i.e. dimension items with start and end dates which fall within the program line dates), as well as any applicable future items for the program line based on new items added to your primary data within the same collection.
To select all items:
Step 1: Within Qualifying transactions, under the Dimensions section, click on the dimension collection.
Step 2: Click on the Select all option.
Step 3: You will automatically be navigated back to the configuration panel, where the Items assigned column for the collection on the right will display a count of the total number of items included.
Manually selecting items allows you to select specific items to include, e.g. a group of products using an inclusion rule, or individual products using direct inclusions.
To manually select items:
Step 1: Within Qualifying transactions, under the Dimensions section, click on the dimension collection.
Step 2: Click on the Manually select option.
Step 3: A list of your dimension items for the selected collection will automatically be displayed. Within the Inclusions tab at the top, follow the guidance below to create an inclusion rule or directly select items.
Inclusion rules allow you to select attributes for all items with this attribute to automatically be included, e.g. all products within a product group. If new items with this assigned attribute are added to your primary data in future, the new items will also be automatically included if they meet the qualifying transactions for the program line.
To create an inclusion rule:
Step 1: Within the Inclusions tab, click the Create inclusion rule button in the top of the page.
Step 2: Click to choose your Selection mode:
- All: Include all dimension items belonging to the dimension.
- And: Include dimension items that contain all of the selected attribute values, e.g. products which are assigned a specified group and category.
- Or: Include dimension items that contain any of a selected set of attribute values, e.g. products which are assigned a specified group or category.
Step 3: Set the checkbox for one or more attributes for the items with the attribute(s) to be included.
Step 4: Click Save.
Step 5: Click the Selection state button and Indirect inclusions to display a list of items which have been included as part of your selection rule.
Direct inclusions allow you to select specific items to include, e.g. individual products.
To create direct inclusions:
Step 1: Within the Inclusions tab, directly click on items in the list to select items individually.
Step 2: To help filter down dimension items for you to select from, click on the Attributes button, set the checkbox for your dimension attributes and click OK. Note: You will still need to directly click on items in the list, i.e. selecting an attribute here will not automatically include all items for the attribute.
Step 3: Click the Selection state button and Direct inclusions to display a list of items which have been included as part of your direct selection.
Exclusion rules allow you to select attributes for all items with this attribute to automatically be excluded, e.g. all products within a product group. If new items with this assigned attribute are added to your primary data in future, the new items will also be automatically excluded if they meet the qualifying transactions for the program line.
Exclusion rules will always override the inclusion rule if there is overlap between the items in both rules. For example, if an inclusion rule is added for a product group and an exclusion rule is added for a product category, the included products would be those within the product group excluding the product category.
To create an exclusion rule:
Step 1: Within the Exclusions tab, click the Create exclusion rule button in the top of the page.
Step 2: Click to choose your Selection mode:
- All: Exclude all dimension items belonging to the dimension.
- And: Exclude dimension items that contain all of the selected attribute values, e.g. products which are assigned a specified group and category.
- Or: Exclude dimension items that contain any of a selected set of attribute values, e.g. products which are assigned a specified group or category.
Step 3: Set the checkbox for one or more attributes for the items with the attribute(s) to be excluded.
Step 4: Click Save.
Step 5: Click the Selection state button and Indirect exclusions to display a list of items which have been excluded as part of your selection rule.
Direct exclusions allow you to select specific items to exclude, e.g. individual products.
To create direct exclusions:
Step 1: Within the Exclusions tab, directly click on items in the list to select items individually.
Step 2: To help filter down dimension items for you to select from, click on the Attributes button, set the checkbox for your dimension attributes and click OK. Note: You will still need to directly click on items in the list, i.e. selecting an attribute here will not automatically exclude all items for the attribute.
Step 3: Click the Selection state button and Direct exclusions to display a list of items which have been excluded as part of your direct selection.
Direct exclusions
To delete an inclusion rule, navigate to the Inclusions tab, click the Edit inclusion rule button, then click the Delete rule button and Delete to confirm.
To delete an exclusion rule, navigate to the Exclusions tab, click the Edit exclusion rule button, then click the Delete rule button and Delete to confirm.
What’s next?
Ready to learn about other options within your program line? Find out more about setting up your program lines here.