A lump sum is issued to a single program line but is not apportioned to any specific transactions. The value is calculated outside of Enable and therefore can be updated at any point.
The value is based on external factors that do not relate to any of the dimensions in Enable. Therefore, when you run the rebate earnings report, these earnings won’t be assigned to any dimensions within any report.
A program line for which the earnings of £10,000 have been calculated outside of Enable, irrespective of transactions. These earnings can be updated at any point.
Configuration approach
Within Enable, you will be required to enter a monetary earnings amount for the program line. You will not be able select one dimension items for the program line, since its earnings are not dependent on transactions.
Enable will assign your earnings value as the earnings for the program line.
When a client member dimension has been configured, you will be required to upload member earnings for the selected client member dimension instead of entering a single monetary amount for the program line.
Enable will then assign the sum of the uploaded client member earning values as the earnings for the program line.
Earnings will not be apportioned over any uploaded transactions, since the program line is configured as a lump sum independent of any transactions. To apportion externally calculated earnings over your imported transactions, see the externally calculated — apportioned mechanism.
Additional information
When the Finance App is enabled, you will be able to modify the payment line level earnings for a program line that uses the Externally calculated earnings plugin. Modifying the payment line level earnings will update the total program line earnings entered.
Optional settings
The Externally calculated earnings plugin has the following optional settings which can be configured for you in Enable:
- Enable additional conditions.
Additional conditions
Additional conditions can, optionally, be enabled for all mechanisms. When enabled, you will have the option to apply additional conditions to a program line. Currently, the only type of additional condition available is manual conditions which, when selected, allow you to select whether manual conditions have been met or not.
When manual conditions have been met, the program line will be calculated as normal. If manual conditions have not been met, the program line and transaction line level earnings will be set to 0.