The Activity tab allows you to view a history of recent activities completed by users within your channel, as well as search for trading programs or partners to easily locate the information you're looking for.
This article will guide you through:
Looking for something else?
Looking to review and filter activity by users or other criteria? Learn how to manage the user activity log here.
Alternatively, learn more about Trading Programs here.
How to access activity
The Activity tab is the landing page you are navigated to when accessing your trading programs channel.
To access Activity from another area in your channel:
Step 1: Click on Trading programs in the green banner at the top of the page.
Step 2: Click on Activity in the drop-down menu.
How to review activity
The Activity tab displays a history of changes within your trading programs channel, from most recent to oldest.
If your channel admin user has given you access to only view specific trading programs or trading partners rather than all, you will only be able to see activity for those you have access to here.
Types of actions included in the activity history can include when:
A trading program and/or program line has been edited by a user.
A trading program has been approved via the approval workflow.
A trading partner has been updated.
To filter the activity displayed, use the search box to type a trading partner name or reference, or trading program name or reference.
Alternatively, select the star next to the search box to filter by trading programs you are subscribed to.
Tip: You can subscribe to a trading program by clicking the star within the agreement. A subscribed program allows you to easily filter within the Activity or List tab.
You can then click on a trading partner, trading program, or program line name displayed in the Activity to navigate to the relevant page within your channel.
What’s next?
Ready to understand how to filter and display details of your trading programs? Learn how to use the trading programs list here.