Trading program analysis provides insight into your trading program’s earnings by week, in addition to transactions. This analysis can be used to review a year-on-year comparison for a specific trading partner or to compare different trading partners.
This article will guide you through:
Looking for something else?
- Looking to output earnings or transactions within your channel? Learn more about generating reports here.
- Alternatively, learn more about additional insights for trading programs here.
Trading program analysis
To analyze a trading program, click on the Analysis tab within the trading program page.
Note: If you are unable to see this page, a channel admin user within your organization may need to provide you with Program lines View or Edit access for your relevant trading partner.
The Analysis page displays a graph of the total earnings for the selected trading program by week.
Under the Earnings by week header, click on one of the ☰ icons to select an additional trading program to compare with. Tip: Use this to compare year-on-year deals for a trading partner.
Program line analysis
Below the graph, a panel is displayed for each of the trading program's program lines.
Tip: Select from the Sort by drop-down menu to change the order of the program lines displayed. Click on the arrow next to this box to change between ascending or descending order.
Each program line displays a summary of the program line's settings, in addition to the below calculations:
- Actual transactions: The current transactions that have been imported into Enable that qualify for the program line.
- Forecast transactions: Anticipated future transacted value. Forecasted from the actual transacted value. If the forecasting module is not used for the program line, then the forecast value is generated via linear extrapolation of current transactions. If the Forecasting app is enabled, then this value will be based on that forecast, replacing the basic linear extrapolation value.
- Actual earnings: Calculated using the actual transactions imported into Enable to date.
- Forecast earnings: Calculated using forecasted transaction values applied to the forecasted rate (instead of using the actual transacted value).
- Remaining forecast: The difference between the forecast transactions and actual transactions. For example, if actual transactions are $16,500 for the year to date and forecast transactions are $19,800, the remaining forecast would be $3,300.
- Risk margin: The percentage amount that the remaining forecast would have to decrease by to miss the band that is forecast to be met. This only applies if the mechanism is one for which risk margin is a valid result.
- Reward margin: The percentage amount that the remaining forecast would have to increase to meet the next band. This only applies if the mechanism is one for which reward margin is a valid result.
Risk amount is related to the risk margin, and is essentially the amount of earnings that would be lost if the forecasted target band is missed. It is calculated as A - (B x C) where:
- A represents the value of the forecast earnings
- B represents the transaction value of the target band that the forecast is currently predicting.
- C represents the rate for the band immediately below the current forecasted target band (below the band forecasted in B).
For example, in the screenshot below, A = £126,114.69, B = £4,000,000, and C = 1%. Therefore, the risk amount in this example is £86,114.69.
Reward amount is related to the reward margin, and is the amount of earnings that would be gained if the band above the forecasted target band is achieved. This is calculated as (A x B) - C where:
- A represents the transaction value of the target band immediately above the forecasted target band.
- B represents the rate that has been configured for the band immediately above the forecasted target band.
- C represents the forecasted earnings.
For example, using the screenshot below, A = £4,500,000, B = 5% , and C = £126,114.69. Therefore, the reward amount is £98,885.31.
Alternatively, click on one of the buttons next to the program line header to:
- View bands: Displayed if a targeted mechanism is used in the program line. Click on this button to display the program line's actual, accrual, and forecasted earnings.
- View rate: Displayed if a fixed rate mechanism is used in the program line. Click on this button to display the program line's fixed rate.
- Analyze: Navigate to a pre-filtered version of the program earnings report that applies to the program line. Click the Preview button to navigate to the report results, or click the Download button to save a copy of the report to your computer’s downloads folder. Tip: Use the View by and Dimension filters within the report criteria to display a more granular view of the transactions and earnings.
What’s next?
Ready to understand more about how much your trading program and program lines are earning? Learn more about the program earnings report here.