Old trading programs should be archived to keep program data clean and prevent historic programs from slowing down calculations within Enable.
Calculations will not be run on archived trading programs, and they cannot be edited. Archived trading programs can also be filtered out of the trading programs list, leaving only the most relevant programs visible. Reports can still be run on archived programs to see historic earnings.
We recommend archiving rather than deleting programs, so that details can still be viewed or restored in future.
This article will guide you through:
- Which trading programs should be archived
- How to archive an individual trading program
- How to bulk archive trading programs
- How to identify an archived trading program
Looking for something else?
- Looking to permanently delete a trading program created in error? Click here to learn how to delete a program.
We recommend archiving all old programs where there are no outstanding rebates to be paid and no open disputes.
Remember: Archived programs can be restored to allow changes to be made later down the line.
It is also possible to run reports on archived programs, so there are no downsides to archiving old programs.
Trading programs can be archived either via an individual trading partner or via the trading programs list by standard users as well as channel admin users.
To archive a trading program via the trading partner list:
Step 1: Click to select the relevant trading partner.
Step 2: Click to select the trading program you wish to archive.
Step 3: Click the View button.
Step 3: Click the … button in the top right and click Archive.
Step 4: You will be prompted to confirm your decision. Click Yes again to finalize archiving the trading program.
Once you have confirmed that you wish to proceed, the program will be queued for processing in the background. After a short time, you will receive a notification that the trading program has been archived.
For already archived trading programs, the Archive option will be changed to Restore to revert the program back from its archived status.
Within the trading programs list, we recommend that you use More filters and select Term start and Term end dates to filter the programs you wish to archive.
Then, to bulk archive programs:
Step 1: Click to select the trading programs you wish to archive, or click the box to the left of the ID column header to select all.
Step 2: Click the … button (next to Download) and click Archive.
Step 3: The number of programs selected will be displayed, and you will be prompted to confirm your decision. Click Yes to finalize archiving the trading programs.
Once you have confirmed that you wish to proceed, the program will be queued for processing in the background. After a short time, you will receive a notification that the trading programs have been archived.
For already archived trading programs, the Archive option won’t be available, however the Restore option can be used to revert programs back from their archived status.
Archived trading programs will still be visible in your Enable channel.
Within the trading programs list, the Activation status column displays the status. You can also use More filters to view only Archived programs using the Activation status filter.
Within the trading programs tab via trading partners, the Active column indicates the status. A red dot indicates that a trading program is inactive and therefore archived.
When viewing a trading program, you can always see the status in the top right corner, where either Editable or Archived will be displayed.