Dimension attributes are typically configured by Enable during the initial onboarding against a single dimension. The dimension attributes represent all the possible properties dimension items could have.
Dimension attributes are assigned to dimension items via a dimension collection.
These attributes are often used to define hierarchies, which can involve various types of data. In Enable, the Data Type field will allow you to change the field requirements based on the data required. This specifies what kind of data is stored in this attribute, and it could be: Text, Number, Money, Multi-Value or Boolean. The following types of data are discussed in more detail below.
Available Data Types
Text attributes are used for strings of plain text. This data type should be selected where data is characterised on the basis of words.
E.g., Country: ‘England’
Text attribute values can be a maximum length of 800 characters. White space and special characters can be used.
Number attributes are used to represent integer and decimal numbers and should be used for data which is represented by a number.
E.g., Company Reg Number: ‘10346’
Number attribute values must lie between -999,999,999,999.9999 and 999,999,999,999.9999
Money attributes are used to represent monetary values. Any currency which has been set up within the channel can be configured for use in a money data type attribute. This data type should be used for data which is represented as a monetary value.
E.g., Cost Price: ‘1000’
Money attribute values must lie between -999,999,999,999.9999 and 999,999,999,999.9999. Values for this data type should be input without a currency symbol.
Multi Value
Multi value attributes are comma-separated strings of unique values.
This data type should be selected for data represented by multiple text values.
E.g., Product Categories: “Piping”, “Bathroom”, “Copper”
Boolean attributes are used to represent data which are described by a binary true or false value.
This data type should be selected for data represented by a yes or no value.
E.g., Own Brand?: “Yes”
OR Has 2022 Agreement: “No”
This field requires a “Yes” if the value is true and a “No” if the value is false. Be sure to populate the field correctly as a Y or N may not be picked up.