To manage your payments, you will need to select a single trading partner in your search criteria on the payment allocation page, and then click on the Unallocated receipts button to display a list of your currently unallocated payments.
Next, select an unallocated payment from the list and, as long as you have edit access to the selected trading partner, you will be able to click on the following options in the bottom right corner of the page, depending on the desired task:
- Remove: Click this button to delete the unallocated payment record from Enable. Depending on your configuration, this option may be disabled.
- Edit: Click this button to create notes and/or add attachments linked to the unallocated payment.
- Allocate: Click this button to display a‘read-only Receipt details panel to review the payment’s information. Then click Continue to allocate the payment across one or more payment lines.