Program line processing control may be configured as either Manual or Automatic.
If it is set to Manual, then you will notice an editable Processed checkbox field is available.
However, if program line processing is set to Automatic, this field will be read-only and set automatically when payment lines are edited (adjustments are applied), or receipts are allocated in the Finance app.
Once it has been marked as Processed it will be impossible to:
- Delete the program line.
- Change the start date of the program line.
- Change the payment frequency of the program line.
However, it will be possible to edit the end date of this processed program line if:
- The containing trading program is unlocked.
- The new end date of the program line does not come before the end date of the most recent program line entry with cash allocated to it.
Please raise a ticket if you need to edit or delete a program line that has been marked as processed.