Funds is a solution within Promotions that aims to streamline your marketing processes by linking special fund promotions to existing rebate programs, while keeping the revenue and cost elements of the promotion separate.
This article will guide you through:
- Navigating the funds listing
- Using program lines for funds
- Creating a fund
- Reviewing the fund details
- Editing funds
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Navigating the funds listing
To navigate the Funds listing page within Promotions:
Step 1: Navigate to the Promotions module by clicking on the hub switcher icon (nine dots) in the top right and Promotions.
Step 2: Click on Funds in the green banner at the top of the page.
On this page, you will be able to see a list of all funds set up for your organization, the details of these funds, as well as a message displaying how many unlinked program lines there are if there are any.
Click on Views and filters to select a different display of funds:
- Listing: The standard view for the Funds page which displays the high-level details of the funds.
- Condensed: In addition to the columns in the Listing view, this also includes some financial details of the fund, including forecast values.
- Finance: Similar to the condensed view, but with a particular focus on the financials.
Using program lines for funds
Before you get started with creating funds and fund promotions, you must consider the program lines that the funds will be based on. Having a program line for the fund to receive monetary data from is a mandatory requirement for the fund to be used and for a fund promotion to be created against it. Such program lines, along with their associated trading programs, will typically be created alongside the fund.
For a program line to be added to a fund, it must have a program line type that has funds compatibility enabled. Your Enable team will configure these program line types for you.
Note: A fund program line can only ever be assigned to up to 1 fund, but a fund can have many fund program lines.
Creating a fund
To create a Fund promotion, a Fund must be set up first so that the promotion can draw the necessary amount from the fund.
To create a new fund:
Step 1: Click the Add new button in the bottom left corner. You will then be navigated to the fund setup wizard.
Step 2: If you are involved in more than one organization, search and select which organization is setting up the fund. Once you have selected the relevant organization, click Next. Note: You will only see the Select your organization page if you are involved with 2 or more organizations. If you are only involved with one, this page will not be displayed and the organization of the fund will default to your organization.
Step 3: Search and select the trading partner that the fund applies to. The list presented will include all your trading partners. Once you have selected the relevant trading partner, click Next.
Step 4: Search and select the trading program that this fund will use funds from. Any trading programs with fund program lines will be displayed here. Once you have selected the relevant trading program, click Next. Note: If you wish to link a program line to the fund after its creation, use the Skip button in the bottom right corner before making a selection.
Step 5: Search and select the relevant fund program line(s) on the selected trading program. Once you have selected the relevant program line(s), click Next. Note: Multiple program lines can be assigned to a single fund, but once a program line has been assigned to a fund it cannot be assigned to another one.
Step 6: Populate the following fields:
- Reference: Enter a name or reference given to the fund, used as an identifier.
- Description: Enter an optional description of the fund.
- Type: Select a type for the fund. Note: Options displayed are based on fund types configured by your channel admin users.
Step 7: Click the Complete button in the bottom right corner of the details screen.
The fund will now be generated, and you will be automatically navigated to the fund’s details page.
Reviewing the fund details
From this page, several actions can be taken for the fund, including setting the status, adding new unallocated program lines and adding notes and documents.
This section displays the following details:
- ID: An automatically generated unique identifier.
- Reference, Description and Type: The details you have just entered, which can be edited if required.
- Start date and End date: These dates default to the start and end of the fund’s associated trading program. You can manually change these, however be aware that if a new fund promotion’s start date and end date do not fall within the fund dates, it will not be possible to link the fund to the promotion.
- Status: Automatically populated to match the workflow status of the fund’s linked trading program.
This section outlines the fund's key financial values, including current and forecast values which are populated from the assigned program line(s).
When this fund is added to a promotion, that promotion will use the value associated with the fund. This creates a direct link between the value of a program line (or several program lines) and the fund promotion. As a result, multiple fund promotions can connect to one fund, allowing different promotional events to relate to the same program line or lines.
Program lines
This section displays the program lines linked with the fund.
Click on the Trading program box to change the trading program that the fund is linked to another one with available fund program lines.
Click on the Add program line button to add new, unallocated fund program lines. This will open a popup where eligible program lines can be added to the fund.
Notes and documents
Use this tab to upload any relevant attachments and leave notes for other users to see on the fund.
Editing funds
If you have made any changes to the fund, the Save button will be available to click. Remember to use this to update all changes on the fund.
Alternatively, if a fund has been created in error and should be deleted, click on the … in the top right corner of the fund and Delete contract. Note: A fund cannot be deleted if it is assigned to one or more fund promotions. If you attempt to delete an assigned fund, a message will be displayed with a link to the relevant promotions.
What’s next?
Ready to approve a newly-created fund promotion? Learn about the approval workflow for fund promotions here.