Creating fund promotions follows a similar process to creating standard promotions, but with a few key differences covered in this article.
This article will guide you through:
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Accessing fund promotions
Before you create a new fund promotion, to access the fund promotions listing:
Step 1: Navigate to the Promotions module by clicking on the hub switcher icon (nine dots) in the top right and Promotions.
Step 2: Once on the promotions listing page, click on the Standard promotions box and select Fund promotions.
The listing will then display all fund promotions set up with your organization.
On this page, you can select any promotion to navigate to the fund promotion details page, which will be covered in further detail below.
Creating a fund promotion
To create a new fund promotion:
Step 1: In the Promotions listing page, click the Propose new button.
Step 2: In the Select your organization page, select the organization the promotion is from. Once you’ve searched and selected your organization, click Next in the bottom-right corner. Note: This page is only displayed if you are involved with 2 or more organizations. If you are only involved with one, this page will not be displayed and the organization of the promotion being set up will default to your organization.
Step 3: Select Fund and click Next.
Step 4: Search and select the trading partner the promotion is with. Once you have selected the relevant trading partner organization, click Complete.
Your fund promotion will now have been created with an automatically generated ID, and you can start entering its details.
Adding the fund promotion details
You will now need to add all the relevant details to the fund promotion, including adding the fund from which the promotion draws values. Learn more about each of these fields below.
- ID: The ID automatically generated for the promotion.
- Reference: The reference or name given to the promotion.
- Start date: The date on which the terms of the promotion start.
- End date: The date on which the terms of the promotion end.
Visibility: Determines which users can see the promotion:
- Internal: Cannot be seen by the trading partner of the promotion.
- Shared: Can be seen by the trading partner of the promotion.
- Share for sign off: Can only be seen by the trading partner’s collaborators when it’s pending sign off or has been approved by collaborators.
Approval status: Select the initial approval status of the promotion:
- Draft: The promotion will start in the draft status and will need to be approved through the workflow.
- Fully signed: The promotion will be fully signed on creation and will not need approval. If not initially selected, this status will be reached once everyone in the workflow has signed off.
- Description: Enter a mandatory description to add context to your promotion.
- Brand code: If relevant, add the brand code to your promotion. Tip: If your channel uses advanced reporting, consider if it would be useful for your organization to report on brand codes.
- Profit centre: If relevant, add the profit centre to your promotion. This can also be used for branch codes etc. Tip: If your channel uses advanced reporting, consider if it would be useful for your organization to report on profit centres.
- Conditions: Details any of the defined conditions on the fund promotion, and whether they’ve been met or not.
Note: You can also change the trading partner of the promotion, or delete the promotion, using the three dots in the top-right corner of the page.
- Deal type: Select the type of promotion this is. Your deal types will be configured by your Enable team. This impacts the default tax rate, in addition to the type of workflow on the promotion, e.g. whether the trading partner is required for sign off and who is involved in the sign off process.
- Calculation mechanism: The mechanism used to calculate the promotion’s value. Typically this will be Fixed amount.
- Currency: The currency used to pay the promotion.
- GL code: Select the revenue GL code for this promotion. These will be set up by your channel admin.
- VAT applicable: Select if VAT applies to the promotion’s payment.
- Net fixed amount: The total value of the promotion’s payment.
- VAT rate %: The % of the fixed amount to be added for VAT. This can only be added if VAT applicable is selected above.
- VAT: The VAT value added to the payment value. This will automatically calculate when the VAT rate % is entered.
- Gross fixed amount: The total amount of the payment, automatically calculated as the Fixed amount + VAT.
- Planned amount: The planned cost for the marketing activity, used for internal approval only and not visible to your trading partner. This will be signed off in the promotion’s cost workflow. Once signed off, the cost will be locked.
- Final amount: The final cost amount of the promotion, to be entered once you have the final, actualised amount. The final cost amount of the promotion is not locked, and can be edited and saved at any time.
- Currency: The currency used in the cost amount.
- GL code: Select the cost GL code for this promotion.
- Cost status: The current status of the cost workflow.
The Divisions section allows you to specify how the payment will be divided within your organization’s internal divisions. For cross-team promotions, this allows you to split the funding out across teams. This allows the payment to be broken down at a more granular level, making it clearer where and how the fixed amount will be used.
To add specific divisions to the promotion:
Step 1: Click on the Add Division button.
Step 2: Search and select from the divisions set up for the trading partner. Once selected, they will be automatically added to the promotion.
Step 3: Hover over the Apportionment percentage and click on the green pencil icon to specify the percentage of the payment going to the division. Click the checkmark to save. Note: The percentage apportionments across all added divisions must add up to 100%.
The Net amount, VAT amount, and Gross amount will then be automatically calculated to display the portion going to this division.
The Fund section allows you to add the fund from which this promotion receives values. To add a fund:
Step 1: Click on the Link a fund button.
Step 2: Select a fund from the list. This list will display all funds set up against the promotion’s trading partner, assuming that program lines are assigned to the fund.
Step 3: Once added to the promotion, some details, such as the current and forecast values, will be displayed in the fund box, which will be displayed once the fund is added. Use this to confirm that the fund is correct and receives the correct values.
The conditions determine the dependencies for the promotion’s payment. The conditions must be marked as met for the promotion to be made available for either payments in the Finance app or claims in the Claims module, alongside the sign off of the net fixed amount.
To add a condition:
Step 1: Click Add condition.
Step 2: Enter the following details:
- Reference: Enter a reference or name given to the condition.
- Description: Enter an optional description of the condition and how it should be met.
- Met: Set the checkbox if this condition’s requirements have already been met.
- Override: Set the checkbox to override the condition, meaning that even though it hasn’t been met, it won’t remain a requirement for the promotion to be paid out
Completing and saving
Now that all of the fund promotion’s details are entered, click Save to complete the fund promotion so that it displays on the listing page. You can return to the promotion at any point by finding it on the listing page.
Alternatively, the Replicate button will generate a new fund promotion (which will again have a new, unique automatically-generated ID) and copy all fields in the promotion and mechanisms sections. However, all other fields, including any linked divisions, funds and conditions will not be copied.
Notes and documents
On the promotion setup page, additional tabs can be used below:
- Internal notes and documents: Use this tab to add any optional supporting notes or documents to the promotion for your internal team. These won’t be visible to any collaborators of the trading partner whom the promotion is set up for.
- External notes and documents: Also use this tab to add any supporting notes or documents, but be aware that collaborators of the trading partner whom the promotion is set up for will be able to see these. Notes added here will also be displayed on the PDF.
- PDF: The PDF (similar to the trading program PDF) displays the promotion's core details in a clear format designed for easy and accessible sharing. Use the Download button at the bottom to save the PDF to your computer.
What’s next?
Interested in viewing more of your fund promotions? Learn how to filter promotions via the listing here.