The Promotions listing provides full visibility of all existing promotions alongside several customized views. This allows you to easily see and action promotions that require attention.
This article will guide you through:
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Accessing the promotions listing
The promotions listing page, along with all other promotions pages, are located in the Promotions app. Wherever you are in the Enable platform, you can navigate to your promotions area using the below steps:
Step 1: Click the hub switcher icon (nine dots) in the top right.
Step 2: Click on Promotions.
Navigating the promotions listing
To allow as much flexibility as possible, the listing page can be viewed in 5 different ways, each providing a unique set of information by displaying different columns. Tip: You may need to scroll to the right of the table to view additional columns in the listing.
Use the following options at the top of the listing to customize the page:
- Search: Use to search for specific promotions based on reference, organization, or partners.
- Organizations: Use to select which organizations you wish to see the promotions of.
- View and filters: Use to select between different criteria for the promotions listed. Learn more about each view below.
- Standard/Fund promotions: Use to switch between displaying standard or fund promotions. Note: This filter will only be displayed if you have funds enabled within your channel.
- Page selection: Use this to cycle between pages if there are more than 30 promotions to display.
In any view, you can click the Download button and select one of the following options:
- Download this column set: Use to download the table exactly as it is currently displayed.
- Download all column sets: Use to download the table with the current promotions displayed while including all columns across all views.
Filtering the promotions listing
Learn more about each option within View and filters below.
Listing view
The Listing view is the default view. In its unfiltered state, it displays a row for every promotional deal set up in Promotions, along with various attributes of that deal.
Some of the most important columns in this table are:
- Reference: The name used for reference which is given for the promotion.
- Partners: The trading partner involved with the promotion.
- Type: The deal type of the promotion, based on types configured for your organization.
- Gross value: The total value of the promotion, equal to the net value plus the tax value.
- Approval status: The current status of the promotion’s workflow.
Finance view
The Finance view provides a similar list table to the Listing view but has some extra columns focusing on your promotions' financial details.
Some of the most important columns in this table are:
- To be invoiced?: Indicates if this promotion has had its value invoiced or not.
- Invoice date: The date of the promotion's invoice, automatically set to the date that the promotion’s workflow begins.
- Apportionment: Details how the promotion is apportioned over your organization’s divisions by displaying the ID of the divisions next to the percentage of the promotion going to that division. For example, (36;70.00,37;30.00) would mean that 70% of the promotion is going to division with ID 36, and the other 30% goes to the division with ID 37. Note: If this page is downloaded with this apportionment column, the division’s name will display on the downloaded CSV file instead of its ID.
- Paid (inc VAT): The amount already paid on this promotion, including VAT.
- Outstanding (inc VAT): The amount left to pay on this promotion, including VAT.
- Payment date: The date the promotion payment was paid. If it has yet to be paid, this field will be empty.
- Deal payment method: The expected method of payment, specified on the promotion itself.
- Receipt payment methods: The method by which the payment has been made. If it has yet to be paid, this field will be empty.
- Payment code: The external reference that was used when the payment was made. If it has yet to be paid, this field will be empty.
Workflow report
The Workflow report provides an overview of your promotions' statuses, lead users, dates, and more. By default, the list will only display Proposal and For signing workflows, but it can be filtered again to include all workflow statuses.
Some of the most important columns on this view are:
- Initiator: The organization of the user who started the workflow. The organization initiating the promotion.
- Originator: The user who created the promotion.
- Approval date: The date when the workflow was fully approved, if it has already been approved.
- Lead: Will be the same as the originator if they have permission to approve promotions. Otherwise, this will be the line manager set up in the hierarchy.
Approval inbox
The Approval inbox view displays every promotion you’re involved with, providing an easy place to monitor and sign off workflows on deals that matter most to you.
Some of the most important columns on this view are:
- Waiting on: The next user who needs to sign off the workflow.
- Lead: Will be the same as the Originator if they have permission to approve promotions. Otherwise, this will be the Line Manager set up in the hierarchy.
- Unread comments: Includes any comments left on the promotion that have not yet been read.
The Advanced view displays promotions with additional custom filters, allowing you to specify the exact details of promotions you wish to display.
These filters are displayed below the view options, and applying any of these filters will automatically change the view to Advanced. The filters available are:
- Dates: Filter promotions that are only in a specific date range.
- Lead: Filter by the user who started the workflow.
- Waiting on: Filter by who the promotion’s workflow is currently waiting on.
- Approval status: Filter by the current approval status of promotions.
- Column set: Specify the set of columns you wish to see. This setting can be used to display the Listing (by selecting Default in the dropdown), Finance, or Workflow view columns.
What’s next?
Ready to create a new promotion? Learn how to propose a new promotion here.