New promotions can be created via the promotions listing, providing a straightforward process which can be done by any user with the correct permissions.
Creating a promotion has been designed to include as few steps as possible, and there is no need to create individual components once the deal is created.
This article will guide you through:
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Creating a promotion
To create a new promotion:
Step 1: In the Promotions listing page, click the Propose new button.
Step 2: If you are involved in more than one organization, search and select which organization is setting up the promotion. Once you have selected the relevant organization, click Next. Note: You will only see the Select your organization page if you are involved with 2 or more organizations. If you are only involved with one, this page will not be displayed and the organization of the promotion will default to your organization.
Step 3: Select the Promotion type. Choose between Standard promotion or Fund, then click Complete. If you do not have the Funds functionality, this step will be skipped.
Note: Standard promotions will be covered in the rest of this article. If you wish to learn more about Funds, refer to this article.
Step 4: Search and select the trading partner the promotion is with. Once you have selected the relevant trading partner organization, click Complete.
You will then be automatically navigated to the promotion page, where you can add additional details.
Adding the promotion details
Configuring the promotion gives you full flexibility by offering many optional and mandatory fields. Learn more about each field below.
- ID: The ID automatically generated for the promotion.
- Reference: The reference or name given to the promotion.
- Start date: The date on which the terms of the promotion start.
- End date: The date on which the terms of the promotion end.
Visibility: Determines which users can see the promotion:
- Internal: Cannot be seen by the trading partner of the promotion.
- Shared: Can be seen by the trading partner of the promotion at all stages, including draft.
- Share for sign off: Can only be seen by the trading partner’s collaborators when it’s pending sign off or has been approved by collaborators.
Approval status: Select the initial approval status of the promotion:
- Draft: The promotion will start in the draft status and will need to be approved through the workflow.
- Fully signed: The promotion will be fully signed on creation and will not need approval. If not initially selected, this status will be reached once everyone in the workflow has signed off.
- Description: Use to add some context to your promotion. This is a mandatory field.
- Order number: If relevant, add the order number for the promotion.
- Event code: If relevant, add the event code for the promotion.
- Invoice date: Automatically populated with the date the promotion’s workflow begins.
- Address: If relevant, add the address for the promotion.
- ZIP code/post code: If relevant, add the ZIP/post code for the promotion.
- Payment days: The number of days for the payment to be made after the promotion’s end date. Several options are available here, with the maximum being 90 days.
- Payment method: How the promotion’s amount will be paid. Different payment methods can be set up by your Enable team.
- To be invoiced: When selected, this means the promotion is ready to be invoiced.
- To be receipted: When selected, this means the promotion is ready to be receipted.
- VAT applicable: Select if VAT applies to the promotion’s payment.
- Payment frequency: The frequency for which the promotion payments will be made. This is most commonly set to Once for a one-time standalone payment for the promotion.
- Claim point: Allows you to specify if the promotion is paid in arrears, in advance, or on proposal.
- Deal type: Select the type of promotion this is. Your deal types will be configured by your Enable team.
- Calculation mechanism: The mechanism used to calculate the promotion’s value. Typically this will be Fixed amount.
- Currency: The currency used to pay the promotion.
- Fixed amount: The value of the promotion’s payment.
- VAT rate %: The % of the fixed amount to be added for VAT. This can only be added if VAT applicable is selected above.
- VAT: The VAT value added to the payment value. This will automatically calculate when the VAT rate % is entered.
- Gross fixed amount: The total amount of the payment, automatically calculated as the Fixed amount + VAT.
The Divisions section allows you to apportion the promotion across the trading partner’s divisions, which will be pre-configured for you by Enable. This increased level of granularity provides a complete picture of where the payment is going and how the trading partner will use it.
To add specific divisions to the promotion:
Step 1: Select the Add Division button to the right of the screen.
Step 2: Search and choose from the divisions set up for the trading partner. Once selected, they will be automatically added to the promotion.
Step 3: Hover over the Apportionment percentage and click on the green pencil icon to specify the percentage of the payment going to the division. Click the checkmark to save. Note: The percentage apportionments across all added divisions must add up to 100%.
The Net amount, VAT amount, and Gross amount will then be automatically calculated to display the portion going to this division.
To remove the division from the promotion, click the three dots on the right of the division, then select to remove the division.
Fields required to start the workflow
When creating the promotion, if Draft was selected for the approval status, the promotion’s workflow cannot be initiated unless some of the fields described above have been populated. This ensures that your team understands the terms of the promotion before submitting their approval.
These fields are:
- Start date
- End date
- Description
- Payment days
- Payment method
- Deal type (required to display the Submit for approval button at the bottom of the page)
- Calculation mechanism
Once the promotion is saved, a red triangle will indicate empty fields required for sign-off. If you have permission to start the promotion’s workflow, you will receive an error message when attempting to start the workflow when at least one of these fields is empty.
What’s next?
Ready to approve a promotion you’ve created? Learn about the promotion approval process here.