A price list is a group of prices that share the same name, the same currency and which operate over the same combination of dimensions and optionally trading partners.
This article will guide you through:
- How to navigate to pricing configuration
- How to create a new price list
- How to populate the new version details
- How to populate the new price list
- How to upload a new price list
- Validation complete
- Validation failed
Looking for something else?
- Need help navigating to price lists from the special pricing agreements app? Learn about locating price lists for special pricing agreements here.
- Looking to change an existing price list? Learn how to navigate an existing price list here.
- Alternatively, see our Help Center for more on Special Pricing Agreements or for more on Trading Programs.
Price lists are located within Config area of the Trading programs app.
Channel admin users with Pricing app access have access to the Config area and pricing configuration within Enable.
To navigate to pricing config:
Step 1: Click on Config in the green banner at the top of the page.
Step 2: Click on Pricing in the drop-down menu. You will automatically be navigated to Pricing within the Config area (displayed below).

Before adding prices, you will need to create the price list.
Step 1: Click the New price list button at the bottom of the page. You will automatically be navigated to Pricing within the Config Structure area (displayed below).

Step 2: Click the + button at the top of the page. Price list details to be populated will automatically display on the right of the page.
Step 3: Populate the following Price list details:
- Reference: Enter a unique reference for the price list, e.g. a reference number if applicable.
- Name: Enter a unique name for the price list, e.g. using the trading partner name and date of the price list.
- Description: Enter more descriptive details outlining the purpose of the price list.
- Number of Decimal Places: Enter a number to restrict the number of decimal places for prices. Tip: 4 decimal places is recommended as best practice.
- Currency: Select the currency to be used for prices. Options displayed here will be based on currencies configured in your Enable channel.
- Operate over Trading Partners (e.g. Suppliers/Customers): If required, set the checkbox to allow multiple dimension items to exist for different trading partners, e.g. the same product for different suppliers.
- Usage: When creating a new price list, the usage will automatically be displayed as Not in use, can be archived. The Usage field cannot be manually changed, and will automatically update with details of the linked contracts once in use.

Step 4: Under Dimensions, select the dimension this price list should apply to, e.g. selecting Products would allow prices to be added per product.
Step 5: Click Save. You will automatically be navigated to populate the new version of the new price list.

Within the new version, populate the following details:
- Name: Type a name for the price list version, e.g. April 2024 Base Pricing.
- Start date: Type or select the date that the price list version will become active from. Only one price list version will be considered active for a particular date (i.e. the start dates of two price lists will not overlap).
Note: Price list versions do not have end dates. If you are using pricing for trading programs, some program lines will be locked to specific versions and others will use the latest version with the latest start date. If you are using pricing for special pricing agreements, this will depend on the Relevant Price List Version setting on the SPA, e.g. if using Active Price List at time of sale, then the price list version at the time of sale will be used.
- Trading Partners (e.g. Suppliers/Customers): The name displayed for this field will be based on the name of the group of trading partners in your Enable channel. If you wish to share the price list with your Collaborator(s), select one or more trading partner, or select all, and click Close to save. If you don’t wish to share the price list with your Collaborator(s), leave this blank.
- Supported decimal places: A non-editable field, automatically populated with the number of decimal places set in Price list details when the price list was created.
Once details have been populated, click the Save button.
Now that you have created and saved the new price list and version details, your prices will need to be populated for the price list.
Step 1: Click Download template on the right of the page.

Step 2: Populate the downloaded price list template CSV file, using the guidance below.
The CSV template will be pre-populated, containing combinations of products (or other dimension items) or trading partners, where you can enter the price for each combination.
Column headers
The downloaded price list template will display three columns containing the following:
- Product (or Dimension Name): Automatically populated for each row with the reference of the product as it appears within the Enable channel data (or reference of the dimension item, if the price list uses a dimension other than products). Product references in this column should not be edited.
- Trading partner (e.g. Supplier/Customer): Automatically populated for each row with the reference of the trading partner as it appears within the Enable channel data. The name of this column will be based on the name of the group of trading partners in your Enable channel. Trading partner references in this column should not be edited.
- Price: Here you will populate the price for each row, to the number of decimal places set for the price list.
Formatting requirements
When populating the price list template CSV file, you should ensure the following requirements are followed:
- The order of rows must be kept the same as in the downloaded template.
- Column headers must not be changed.
- Additional columns must not be added.
Tip: If you only require prices for a subset of dimension items (e.g. only 150 out of 1000 products), the price list template can be edited to only contain the dimension items required (e.g. only 150 products rather than the total 1000).
Once you have populated the CSV file with prices following the requirements above, the price list is ready to be uploaded to the price list version.
Step 1: Click Upload CSV on the right of the page.
Step 2: Click the Upload button to browse file selection to select your completed price list file.

Step 3: Click Start validation in the lower right of the page.
Step 4: The import will either indicate Validation complete if the uploaded prices have been successfully validated, or Validation failed if the template format is not as required. Follow the guidance below for further steps on each, in order to complete the upload of your price list.
The bottom of the screen will display the number of entries the CSV contains in the file, and the number of entires with missing prices in the file (example below).
Step 4a: Click Start import if you are happy with the entries to be imported. The import process will begin, and a message will display on the right of the page once the import completes.
Alternatively, click Cancel import to make any amendments to the file before restarting the upload process.

Step 4b: Click Download errors report to see more details of the errors for the applicable rows of the file, for you to amend before you Cancel import and restart the upload process.

What’s next?
Need help adding a price list to a trading program for rebates? Click here to learn about the fixed percentage of price mechanism for a program line.
Need help adding a price list to distributor terms on a new SPA? Click here to learn how to select a support mechanism and add distributor terms on a new SPA.
Need help adding a price list to end-customer terms on a new SPA? Click here to learn how to select an end-customer mechanism and add end-customer terms on a new SPA.