The Enable platform has a proven track record of improving rebate profitability for leading companies around the world. From within the Trading Programs application there are a few things you can do to maximize the performance of your agreements for you and your trading partners.
Granular Reporting
Trading Programs has a capable and feature-rich reporting suite that you can use to better understand the performance of your trading programs. One way you can maximize the performance of your programs is to pay close attention to rebate earnings from different trading partners for the same product or product category.
For example, within the program earnings report you can select a View by from one of your dimension items. This breaks down the program earnings for each dimension, which could be your products. This information could be used to develop a future sales strategy.
Baseline Earnings
Before your trading programs become active they must be approved by your stakeholders. At the approval step, baseline earnings are displayed for the previous period. This tells you how well the program performs using last year's transactional data, which can be a useful way of determining whether the program is right for you.
By comparing the baseline earnings of the new program to the actual earnings from the previous period's program it is possible to determine if the new program offers any improvements to earnings if transactional data remains static.
By running a Transactions report, it is possible to view all unassigned transactions in one place. Unassigned transactions are transactions that do not belong to a program line within Enable, and therefore you are not earning any rebate on them.
To filter the transaction report down to only the transactions which are not assigned to a program select Consider unassigned transactions only?. Going forward you can use this tool to identify future opportunities for improvement, where transactions are not currently eligible for a program.