The trading program PDF is a summary of the agreement held with your trading partner, which provides a breakdown of all program lines within the trading program in addition to terms and conditions.
Terms items allow you to capture important information related to the trading program, where these terms items don’t affect your rebate calculations.
Terms items offer a range of flexibility in the type of information that can be captured, and could include trading partner details, payment terms, or additional relevant documents.
This article will guide you through:
Looking for something else?
- Looking to complete terms items for a specific agreement? Learn how to add terms items to a trading program.
- Alternatively, see our Help Center for more on trading programs.
Terms are configured for each trading program type version, allowing you to have customized sets of terms for different types of agreements.
Different terms items can be displayed before or after the program line information on the trading program PDF.
If you would like your terms items to be configured or changed, please reach out to our support team to request the changes here.
Terms are laid out using:
- Headings: A heading is displayed at the top of each section of terms items, and acts as a title.
- Labels: A label is displayed before any text or data as a sub-heading for the terms item.
Each terms item can be configured by Enable to be mandatory or optional when a user completes a specific trading program’s terms. Mandatory terms must be populated by a user before the trading program is activated.
The different data types that can be configured for terms items are:
- Text: Allows custom terms text to be added to the trading program PDF. If required, default text can be set to automatically display for each trading program, e.g. a paragraph from your terms and conditions.
- Number: Add a numerical value. If required, a default number can be set to automatically display for each trading program.
- Date: Add in a specific date. If required, a default date can be set to automatically display for each trading program.
- Single Select List: Select one option from a pre-determined list. If required, a default option can be set to automatically be selected for each trading program.
- Multi-select List: Select one or more options from a pre-determined list. If required, one or more default options can be set to automatically be selected for each trading program.
- Document: Allows a relevant document to be uploaded for each trading program.
- Trading partner name: Automatically populates with the name of the trading partner for the trading program.
- Trading partner reference: Automatically populates with the reference of the trading partner for the trading program.
- Trading partner attribute: Automatically populates with attribute values for the trading partner, e.g. address, website, phone number, etc.
- Trading partner contact: Select a specific contact for the trading partner.
- Trading program ID: Automatically populates with the ID of trading program ID (as displayed in the trading program’s Settings tab).
- Payment days: If you are using the Finance app, this field allows you to set when rebate payment is due after the payment amount is calculated. For example, if you have a program that ends on the 31st of December with the rebate payment days set to 30 days, payment for this program will not become due until the 31st of January instead of the usual 1st of January.
- Signatories: If using automatic approval workflow, an electronically signed signatory will always be displayed at the bottom of the PDF for each user in the workflow who signed off the trading program. If using manual workflow, we can configure 3 signatories to appear at the bottom of the trading program PDF, i.e. 1 for the trading partner collaborator, and 2 for users in your organization.
Within each trading program, the Terms tab displays options based on the terms items configured by Enable for the trading program type version.
The below example includes a trading program’s terms where:
- Supplier Details is a Heading.
- Name, Category and Address are all Labels.
- Category has been automatically populated with a Trading partner attribute.
- Delivery Route uses a Single select list.
- Pallet Logistics uses default Text which can be changed by the user.

These terms are then displayed on the trading program PDF in the format below:

What’s next?
Looking to use your own company logo and colour on the trading program PDF? Learn how to customize PDF branding here.