Watchlist uses forecasting to highlight targeted program lines that:
Present an opportunity for proactive spending in order to obtain a higher earnings band; or
May be at risk of missing an earnings band if the forecasted spend is not achieved.
This article will guide you through:
Looking for something else?
Looking to review Watchlist data instead of settings? Learn more about Watchlist here.
Configuring Watchlist settings
Channel admin users have access to configure thresholds and display limits in Watchlist.
To configure settings for Watchlist:
Step 1: Click on Trading programs in the green banner at the top of the page.
Step 2: Click on Watchlist in the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Click on the Settings tab.
Step 4: Configure the following settings:
Display limit: Enter a number to limit the number of trading partners displayed. If no limit is set here, all trading partners with active targeted program lines will be displayed in Watchlist.
Opportunity threshold: Enter a number for program lines with an earnings impact above this threshold to display a green number next to the trading partner’s name in the Opportunities tab. If no threshold is set here, all numbers next to each trading partner tile will be grey. Tip: Set a threshold to indicate to your users which opportunities require their attention in Watchlist.
Risk threshold: Enter a number for program lines with an earnings impact below this threshold to display a red number next to the trading partner’s name in the Risks tab. If no threshold is set here, all numbers next to each trading partner tile will be grey. Tip: Set a threshold to indicate to your users which risks require their attention in Watchlist.
Note: Regardless of the above settings, all Watchlist data can still be accessed via the Watchlist download.
Step 5: Click Save for any changes to apply to your Enable channel for all users.
Configuring Watchlist calculation times
Calculations within Watchlist update automatically each day. Channel admin users have access to change the time of day these calculations take place.
To change the calculation time:
Step 1: Click on Config in the green banner at the top of the page.
Step 2: Click on Processing in the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Within the Calculation queue tab, click on the Calculation settings tab on the right of the page.
Step 4: Enter a time for Watchlist / Progress Tracker app calculations time of day.
Step 5: Click Save for any changes to apply to your Enable channel for all users.
What’s next?
Ready to learn how to use Watchlist? Learn how to identify risks and opportunities in Watchlist here.