Payment allocations can be uploaded automatically to Enable via SFTP data feeds to manage payments for your rebate earnings.
This article will guide you through:
- Downloading the payment allocation template
- Populating the payment allocation template
- Saving the payments file
- Checking the universal requirements for the file
- Uploading payments
Looking for something else?
- Looking to import payments for trading programs via the Finance app? Learn about manually importing payment allocations here.
- Looking to view payments which have already been allocated? Learn how to generate a payment allocation report here.
- Alternatively, see our Help Center for more on managing data for trading programs.
Downloading the payment allocation template
Users with access to the Finance app will have access to the Finance area and payment allocation upload template within Enable.
To download the payment allocation template:
Step 1: Click on Finance in the green banner at the top of the page.
Step 2: Click on Uploads in the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Within the Payment uploads tab, click the Upload button in the bottom left of the page. You will automatically be navigated to the payment uploads wizard.
Step 4: Click on Download import template to save the Payments Template CSV file to your computer’s downloads folder.
Populating the payment allocation template
Once the payments template has been downloaded, you will need to populate each row with the following column data for your payment allocations. Column headers must not be changed or renamed in the file.
- Trading partner name: The name of the trading partner the payment is attached to. This should match the trading partner name displayed in Enable. Learn how to find the names of your trading partners in Enable here. Note: If you populate the trading partner name column, you should leave the trading partner reference column blank.
- Trading partner reference: The reference of the trading partner the payment is attached to. This should match the trading partner reference displayed in Enable. Learn how to find the references of your trading partners in Enable here. Note: If you populate the trading partner reference column, you should leave the trading partner name column blank.
- (Mandatory) Currency: The currency used for the payment (e.g. USD, GBP, CAD etc.).
- (Mandatory) Payment value: The total value of the payment being made or the payment received. Do not use commas to separate thousands, "-" to denote zero, or parentheses to denote negatives; simply use the number without these, using a leading negative sign if required.
- (Mandatory) Tax: The tax value that should not be allocated to the payment lines. If there is no tax, populate it with 0.
- (Mandatory) Payment method: The method of payment. The list of valid payment methods is displayed on the Instructions page after downloading the template. Note: If there are changes need to the listed Payment methods, reach out to the Enable Support team to ask about updating these options.
- (Mandatory) Date of payment: The date of the payment in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
- (Mandatory) External reference: A reference for the payment, e.g. an invoice number. This must be unique for the trading partner.
- (Optional) Notes: Any additional notes or information for each payment.
- (Optional) Reason code: Required if the sum of Allocated value columns does not equal the Payment value column, i.e. if the payment is being left unallocated or partially allocated. Reach out to the Enable Support team here to confirm the reason codes that have been set up in your channel.
- Allocated value: The proportion of the total payment value that is allocated to a given payment line. This payment line will be determined by the payment line ID. Do not use commas to separate thousands, "-" to denote zero, or parentheses to denote negatives; simply use the number without these, using a leading negative sign if required.
Note: Unallocated negative receipts cannot be loaded by the bulk load feature, even when negative receipts are allowed in the channel. These payments need to be uploaded through the Enable user interface; learn how to record payments manually here.
Payment line ID: The ID of the payment line that the proportion of the total payment value is allocated to. The payment line IDs can be found on the debtors/creditors report.
By default, there are three pairs of allocated value and payment line IDs. If you have more than 3 payment allocations to make, add more columns to the template (i.e. Allocated value 4, Payment line ID 4, Allocated value 5, Payment line ID 5, etc.). If you have less than 3 payment allocations to make, you do not need to delete the unused columns.
If required by your implementation team:
(Optional) Add the row count in the final row in the form “ROWCOUNT IS X”, where X is the total number of transactions you are uploading. In the CSV file, this will be the total row count - 2. This must all be in uppercase.
Saving the payments file
Save your CSV file and rename the file to the format “PAYMENTUPLOAD-TIMESTAMP”, where:
TIMESTAMP is replaced by a 14-digit number in the format yyyyMMddhhmmss made up of the creation date, e.g. PAYMENTUPLOAD-20240417030422.csv.
Checking the universal requirements for the file
The following criteria must be satisfied for each file imported via the SFTP:
- The dataset to be imported must be a CSV file within an encrypted ZIP file.
- The name of the ZIP file must be the same as the CSV file.
- AES-256 encryption must be used.
- The compression method must be either 0x08 (deflate) or 0x00 (store).
- The CSV file must use UTF-8 encoding and rows delimited by CRLF.
The CSV file must have:
- A first row consisting of correctly named labels for each column/field.
- Comma delimited fields in each row.
- If commas are used in text fields within the CSV file, double-quote characters should be used for the text fields.
- If double-quote characters are used in text fields within the CSV file, these should be represented by two double-quote characters.
Uploading payments
Step 1: Connect to your SFTP location using the SFTP credentials provided by your implementation team.
Step 2: Navigate to the Imports folder.
Step 3: Upload the Payments CSV file into the Imports folder.
Step 4: Create an empty file with the same name as the Payments CSV file with an additional appended “.ok” (e.g. PAYMENTUPLOAD-20240417030422.csv.ok). This will begin the import process into your channel.
Step 5: Check to see if the file was received by Enable once the file has finished processing. If the Payments CSV file is in the Succeeded folder, this indicates that the transaction data is now in the Enable platform. If the Payments CSV file is in the Failed folder, this indicates that the file has failed and a corresponding Error.txt file will be generated describing the error.
What’s next?
Need help resolving SFTP errors? Learn how to understand SFTP errors here.