Data can be automatically imported into your Enable channel via a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).
If an automated import fails, a notification email will be automatically sent, for you to investigate the errors within the SFTP.
This article will guide you through:
- How to identify if an automated import has failed
- ZIP errors
- File errors
- Import errors
- Validation errors
Looking for something else?
- Importing data for special pricing agreements (SPAs)? Click here to learn more about importing data for SPAs.
- Importing data for rebate agreements? Click here to learn more about automatically importing data for trading programs.
- Experiencing issues with Excel such as losing leading zeros, dates changing format unexpectedly, or character delimitation? Learn how to load CSVs into Excel here.
- Alternatively, see our Help Center for more Admin Guides on Trading Programs.
When a file fails to load into Enable via the SFTP location, a notification email is automatically sent to relevant emails based on a contact list set up by Enable. If you would like additional email addresses to receive these notifications, reach out to the Enable Support team here.
Note: No email notifications are generated if a transaction file successfully loads into Enable but has unmatched or unreconciled transactions. The failure notifications only relate to loads from the SFTP for specific checks including if all relevant fields are populated, column formats meet requirements, etc.
The Failed Import email subject specifies the channel that the file failed to load into. Within the email, the name of the file is specified so that you can identify the type of file the failed import related to, for example transactions, trading partners, or dimension items such as products.

To review the reason the processing of the import file has been cancelled, navigate to the failed file’s associated error file within the Failed folder in your team’s SFTP location for Enable.
An error txt file will have the same name as the failed file, with “-Errors” after the name. For example, the file ‘’ would have an error file with the name ‘Products-20221225041502-Errors.txt’.
Learn more about how to resolve issues identified in the errors file below.
The stored ZIP password is not valid
- The ZIP password used to encrypt the file does not match the ZIP password provided by Enable.
- To resolve, re-import the file using the correct ZIP password to encrypt the file.
- For guidance on the correct ZIP password to use, reach out to the Enable Support team here.
The ZIP file must contain a CSV file with the same name
- The file name for the ZIP file and that for the CSV that was encrypted do not match.
- To resolve, amend the name of the ZIP file or CSV so that the two file names are identical, and re-import the amended file.
- For guidance on file naming conventions, refer to the articles on automated imports for trading programs, or importing data for SPAs.
Filename did not match any dimension collection
If received for a dimension items import:
- The file name does not contain a registered dimension name or dimension collection name.
- To resolve, amend the name of the file to use a valid dimension name or dimension collection name, and re-import the amended file.
- For guidance on the file name which should be used, review the dimension collection name within the channel structure, in addition to the articles on automated imports for trading programs or importing data for SPAs.
If received for a turnover lines import:
- The file name does not contain a registered turnover type.
- To resolve, amend the name of the file to use a valid turnover type, and re-import the amended file.
- For guidance on the file name which should be used, refer to the articles on automated imports for trading programs.
The import terminated unexpectedly
- The import timed out during processing.
- To resolve, attempt to re-import the file.
- If you experience further issues after re-attempting the import, reach out to the Enable Support team here.
The import has been cancelled
- The import was processing during a system update, resulting in the import being cancelled. Your data has therefore been unaffected.
- To resolve, attempt to re-import the file.
- If you experience further issues after re-attempting the import, reach out to the Enable Support team here.
Import has errored too many times
- The import process has failed the system’s attempts to retry the import after initial failure.
- If you experience this issue while importing data through the SFTP, reach out to the Enable Support team here.
The specified import type is not a feature
- The data you are trying to import is not currently supported through the SFTP.
- For guidance on supported import types, refer to the articles on automated imports for trading programs or importing data for SPAs.
No import configuration found for this file
- The data configuration does not match a custom import set up for your channel by Enable.
- If you experience this issue while importing data through the SFTP, reach out to the Enable Support team here to confirm if you are using the correct file name and format.
The value for this column is required. {columnName}
- A value is missing for a given column in one or more rows.
- To resolve, review the file and populate any empty values, and re-import the amended file.
- For guidance on formatting within data files, refer to the data guide provided by your implementation team, or refer to the articles on automated imports for trading programs or importing data for SPAs.
This column is specified more than once. Column names must be unique. {columnName}
- Column names must be unique within a file, i.e. the same column name cannot exist more than once.
- To resolve, review the file and amend to ensure each column has a unique header, and re-import the amended file.
- For guidance on formatting within data files, refer to the data guide provided by your implementation team, or refer to the articles on automated imports for trading programs or importing data for SPAs.
The value '{value}' is not recognised
- The value referred to does not meet the correct requirements for the column that it is in.
- To resolve, review the file and amend the formatting of the value referred to to ensure this is correct, and re-import the amended file.
- For guidance on formatting within data files, refer to the data guide provided by your implementation team, or refer to the articles on automated imports for trading programs or importing data for SPAs.
The value '{value}' is not in a recognised date format. The correct format is '{correctFormat}'
- The value referred to does not meet the correct date format required.
- To resolve, review the file and amend all dates to use the format YYYY-MM-DD, and re-import the amended file.
The date '{date:yyyy-MM-dd}' is not in the valid range of {minDate:yyyy-MM-dd} to {maxDate:yyyy-MM-dd}
- The date referred to (which will be assigned to a row in the file) is outside the date range given in the file's name.
- To resolve, review the dates in the file name and within the file, amend the relevant dates, and re-import the amended file.
Row number {duplicateRowNumber} is a duplicate of row number {originalRowNumber} on columns {duplicateColumnsDetails}
- An identical row has been included more than once. Rows must be unique when uploading data.
- To resolve, review the file for duplicate rows, amend so that no duplicates exist, and re-import the amended file.
Row number {duplicateRowNumber} contains duplicate values from row number {originalRowNumber}
- The row(s) referenced contain duplicate values from another row in a column where the values much be unique.
- To resolve, review the file for duplicate values, amend so that the applicable values are unique, and re-import the amended file.
- For guidance on unique values within data files, refer to the data guide provided by your implementation team, or refer to the articles on automated imports for trading programs or importing data for SPAs.
- If you experience this issue while importing Turnover data through the SFTP, reach out to the Enable Support team here to confirm if you are using the correct file name and format.
The value '{value}' is not in a recognised multi value format
- The given value does not match the required format for a multi-value attribute.
- To resolve, each value for multi-valued attributes should be formatted with quotation marks and separated with commas. Note that commas should only be used as a separator between values, and not within values themselves.
- For guidance on permitted values for attribute data types, refer to information on dimension attributes alongside the data guide provided by your implementation team.
Validation message limit of {validationMessageLimit} exceeded. The remaining rows in this file have not been validated
- Due to the volume of errors in the file, there may be additional errors for lines which have not yet been validated.
- To resolve, if repeated errors exist in the error message, amend the file to correct repeated errors for the full file, and re-import the amended file.
- If you experience further issues after re-attempting the import, review any new errors within this page, or reach out to the Enable Support team here.
Validation message limit of {validationMessageLimit} exceeded. Validation messages for the remaining rows have not been displayed
- Due to the volume of errors combined with the length of the error messages themselves, there are too many to display in the error file and so not all error messages are displayed.
- To resolve, if repeated errors exist in the error message, amend the file to correct repeated errors for the full file, and re-import the amended file.
- If you experience further issues after re-attempting the import, review any new errors within this page, or reach out to the Enable Support team here.
The final row is not in a valid format
- The final row does not have a rowcount displayed in the required format.
- To resolve, if rowcounts are required in your imports, amend the file to include a final row in the format of ROWCOUNT IS ##### where ##### represents the number of rows in the file not including the headers row or the rowcount row itself. Then re-import the amended file.
- For guidance on formatting data files, refer to the data guide provided by your implementation team, or refer to the articles on automated imports for trading programs or importing data for SPAs.
The final row specifies {parsedRowCount} row(s) but {rowCount} row(s) were provided
- The number of rows specified by the rowcount line differs from the amount of rows in the file.
- To resolve, amend the rowcount in the file so that the number represents the number of rows in the file not including the headers row or the rowcount row itself. Then re-import the amended file.
- For guidance on formatting data files, refer to the data guide provided by your implementation team, or refer to the articles on automated imports for trading programs or importing data for SPAs.
The value '{value}' is not in a recognised decimal format
- The value of this cell/column is not in the correct decimal format.
- To resolve, amend the value in the file, and re-import the amended file. For UK and US SFTP locations, the decimal format expects a period as a decimal point. For EU SFTP locations, the decimal format expects a comma as a decimal point.
This value contains {decimalPlaces} decimal place(s) but a maximum of {maxDecimalPlaces} decimal place(s) are supported
- The value of this cell/column currently contains more decimal places than are permitted for this column.
- To resolve, amend the value in the file to use no more than the maximum decimal places referenced, and re-import the amended file. For UK and US SFTP locations, the decimal format expects a period as a decimal point. For EU SFTP locations, the decimal format expects a comma as a decimal point.
This value contains {decimalPlaces} decimal place(s) but a minimum of {minDecimalPlaces} decimal place(s) are supported
- The value of this cell/column currently contains less decimal places than are enforced for this column.
- To resolve, amend the value in the file to use no less than the minimum decimal places referenced, and re-import the amended file. For UK and US SFTP locations, the decimal format expects a period as a decimal point. For EU SFTP locations, the decimal format expects a comma as a decimal point.
This value exceeds the maximum length of {maxLength} character(s)
- The value of this cell/column contains more characters than are permitted for this datatype.
- To resolve, amend the value in the file to use no more than the maximum character length referenced, and re-import the amended file.
This value is below the minimum length of {minLength} character(s)
- This means that the value of this cell/column contains less characters than are enforced for this datatype.
- To resolve, amend the value in the file to use no less than the minimum character length referenced, and re-import the amended file.
The value for this column is in the incorrect format. The correct format is {0}
- The specified value is not in the correct format for the column it is in.
- To resolve, amend the value in the file to use the correct format referenced, and re-import the amended file.
The value for this column is a duplicate of a value elsewhere in the file
- The specified value is the same as for another row in the file; ensure that unique fields such as primary keys, are kept unique.
- To resolve, amend the value in the file to use the correct format referenced, and re-import the amended file.
File '{inputFileName}' has failed data validation
- The file has failed validation for a combination of the above validation reasons.
- To resolve, review the format of data within the files and amend where necessary, and re-import the amended file.
- For guidance on formatting within data files, refer to the data guide provided by your implementation team, or refer to the articles on automated imports for trading programs or importing data for SPAs.
What’s next?
Experiencing issues with Excel such as losing leading zeros, dates changing format unexpectedly, or character delimitation? Learn more about how to load CSVs into Excel here.