The reconciliation report indicates unreconciled transaction lines (i.e. transactions that could not be linked to your dimension data), unmatched transactions (i.e. transactions that could not be linked to your trading partner data), plus any duplicate transactions that exist.
This article will guide you through:
- How to access the reconciliation report
- Understanding reconciliation report results
- Resolving unreconciled transactions
Looking for something else?
- Looking to amend the reconciliation settings? Click here to learn how to configure the reconciliation process.
- Trying to generate a report of transactions which have been imported into Enable? Click here to learn how to generate a transactions report for trading programs, or here to generate a transactions report for special pricing agreements.
Channel admin users will have access to the Config area and reconciliation report within Enable. If you require additional help, please reach out to our support team here.
Step 1: Navigate to Config in the green banner and select Import transactions.
Step 2: Click on the Reconciliation tab. You will automatically be navigated to the Reconciliation report (displayed below).
Tip: You may need to click on … at the end of the visible tabs to display additional tab options.

After transactions have been manually uploaded or automatically imported into your channel, the reconciliation process needs to be generated to link your transaction data to your dimension data.
Reconciliation processes are either generated automatically via schedules, or manually via the Import transactions tab.
Once the reconciliation process has been completed, a reconciliation report will automatically be generated.
The Reconciliation report page displays a list of reconciliation jobs completed within the last month.
- Run type: Displays as Scheduled when the reconciliation process has been run automatically at a pre-determined time of day - this provides a full reconciliation report showing all unreconciled lines in the channel. Addition of lines displays when the reconciliation process has been triggered by the upload or import of new transactions - this provides a reconciliation report for a single import only.
Tip: Addition of lines run types are useful to investigate if an issue can be isolated to a specific import, whereas Scheduled run types are useful to investigate any broad issues regarding missing transactions that cannot be isolated to specific import.
- Completed: The date and time the reconciliation process completed.
- Run by user: The user who generated the reconciliation process if reconciliation was triggered manually or by the manual upload of transactions. Automated Turnover Import will be displayed if the reconciliation was triggered by the automated import of transactions. This column will be left blank for scheduled transactions reconciliation.
- Trading partners: Displays All if reconciliation has been run for transactions across all trading partners, or trading partner names if reconciliation has only been run for transactions attached to specified trading partners.
- Duplicates allowed: Displays Yes if duplicate transactions were allowed to be reconciled and added to the transactional data or No if duplicate transactions were not allowed.
Click on a row within the report to display high-level details of the reconciliation report on the right of the page:
- Trading partner: The name of the trading partner attached to transaction lines.
- Reconciled transactions: The number of transaction lines which were reconciled and matched to dimension data.
- Unreconciled transactions: The number of transaction lines which were unreconciled and not matched to dimension data.
- Duplicate transactions: The number of duplicate transaction lines identified.

Click on CSV download and click on an option below to download:
- Unreconciled turnover lines: This CSV file will provide a list of transaction lines that could not be linked to dimension references in your dimension data (e.g. could not be linked to any existing product references). The file will follow the format of the transaction template, with additional columns indicating the Unmatched columns (i.e. the columns for the transaction line which could not be matched to data within the channel), Duplicate turnover line (i.e. Yes if the transaction line is a duplicate transaction), and if the transaction line was from a Manual import.
- Unmatched to a trading partner: This CSV file will provide a list of transaction lines that could not be linked to trading partner references in your trading partner data.
Note: Unreconciled transactions will not generate earnings for trading programs or support for special pricing agreements until reconciled.
When reviewing unreconciled transactions, we recommend that you check the relevant data within your channel (e.g. search for a product where a product reference has been unreconciled).
Consider the following:
- Has an error been made in the transaction file? If so, make the relevant amendments to the transaction line(s) and import the new transaction line(s). Then, delete the unreconciled transactions.
- Does the channel data need to be updated to include unmatched data (e.g. trading partners or dimension items such as products)? If so, make the relevant amendments to your source data, either via import or the UI. Tip: If your organization uses automated imports, consider if amendments are required to your master data as well as the data imported within Enable.
- Are the unreconciled transactions not required within Enable? If so, delete the unreconciled transactions.
The platform will then automatically attempt to reconcile these transactions next time the reconciliation process runs. For example, if you add missing items to your dimensions such as products which related to unreconciled transactions, these transactions would attempt to reconcile during the next reconciliation job.
Alternatively, you may wish to manually generate a reconciliation report to check whether data amendments have reconciled transactions as expected.
What’s next?
Need to delete transactions which aren’t required as a result of your reconciliation? Learn how to delete unreconciled and reconciled transactions here.
Ready to see how much rebate your trading programs are earning? Learn how to generate a program earnings report here.
Ready to see how much support your SPAs are earning? Learn how to run the special pricing support report here.