Transactions are uploaded into Enable to calculate rebate earnings for trading programs.
This article will guide you through:
- How to download the transaction template
- How to populate the transaction template
- How to upload the transaction file
- Reviewing the transaction import results
Looking for something else?
- Is transactional data handled by your IT team or via SFTP data feeds? Learn about automatically importing transactions for trading programs here.
- Importing transactional data for special pricing agreements rather than rebate agreements? Learn about manually importing transactions for SPA channels here.
- Trying to generate a report of transactions which have been imported into Enable? Click here to learn how to generate a transactions report for trading programs, or here to generate a transactions report for special pricing agreements.
Channel admin users have access to the Config area and manual transaction uploads within Enable. If you require additional help, please reach out to our support team here.
To download the transaction template:
Step 1: Click on Config in the green banner at the top of the page.
Step 2: Click on Import transactions in the drop-down menu.
Step 3: On the left of the page, click CSV template to save the transactions template to your computer’s downloads folder.

In this template, you will be required to enter the correct information for each transaction line under the header row that is already populated.
Once the transactions template has been downloaded, you will need to populate each row with the following column data. Column headers must not be changed or renamed in the file.
- Date: The date of the transaction, in the format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2024-01-31 for 31st January 2024.
- Trading partner reference: This will be changed to your channel’s specific label (e.g. Supplier reference, customer reference).
- {Dimension} reference: This will be changed to your channel’s specific dimensions. There will be a column per dimension.
- Units: The total number of units for the transaction. Units can have no more than 4 decimal places.
- Value: The total monetary transacted value of the transaction. A value can have no more than 2 decimal places.
- Currency: The currency of the transaction, e.g. USD, GBP, CAD, EUR, etc.
- External reference: A text field you can use to add additional information, often used for audit purposes to align with external systems. This field is only available if configured, and is limited to 40 characters.
(Optional) Unit of measure: Only displayed if global UoM has been enabled in your channel. Enter the relevant unit type for the transaction line, e.g. KG or Pallets. If populated, this must match a unit column specified in the global unit of measure (Master UoM CSV) template in order for the transaction line to be reconciled. If left blank, the transaction line is assumed to be in the base unit with a rate of 1.
- (Optional) Interface date: If enabled in your channel, populate the interface date with the date of the import, in the format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2024-01-31 for 31st January 2024.
- (Optional) Agreement ID: If required, populate with the program line reference to which this transaction line will earn rebate against. If this column is populated, the Enable platform will attempt to reconcile against the inputted reference.
- (Optional value) Advised earnings: Allows an expected monetary claim amount to be specified, which can be included in the program earnings report to compare advised earnings against calculated earnings. Please note that this is not used for calculating rebate earnings but is a validation step to ensure alignment. If Advised earnings is populated, then Agreement ID will be mandatory. Advised earnings can have no more than 2 decimal places.
- (Optional value) Order reference: A text field you can use to add additional information, often used for audit purposes to align with external systems.
- (Optional) Delivery reference: A text field you can use to add additional information, often used for audit purposes to align with external systems.
- (Optional) Invoice reference: A text field you can use to add additional information, often used for audit purposes to align with external systems.
Once you have populated your transactions file, follow the below steps to manually import your file:
Step 1: Click on Config in the green banner at the top of the page.
Step 2: Click on Import transactions in the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Select the relevant options for your transactions import below:
- Organization transactions: If you are using the Enable B2B deals functionality, you will be able to choose whether the import data is owned by your organization or one of your trading partners. If the transaction data is owned by one of your trading partners, clear the checkbox.
- Transaction owner: If the Organization transactions checkbox is not set, select the transaction owner for this transaction file.
- Purchases or sales: Select the flow of goods for the imported transactions, i.e. whether the transaction file represents purchase or sale transactions. This will default to the flow of goods setting for your channel. The flow of goods is used for reconciliation of transactions to program lines.
- Includes trading partner references: Set the checkbox if the transaction file has trading partner references populated.
- Allow duplicates: Set the checkbox if any duplicate transaction lines should be prevented from being imported. A transaction line is considered to be a duplicate when the data for all columns in the transaction file match another existing transaction line. Note: The exception to this is the Interface date of two lines can be different and they can still be considered duplicates.
Step 4: Once you are happy with the selections made above, click the Import button at the bottom of the page. Your file will then be automatically processed to ensure that the data values in the transaction file are in the required format to be imported into your Enable channel.
Import results will be displayed once the transactions file has been processed, indicating the number of Transaction lines imported, and any Transaction lines rejected.

If transaction lines have been rejected, click on the Rejected transaction lines button to download the transactions file including an additional column with Validation Messages advising why the transaction lines were not valid.
Rejected transaction lines may arise from:
- Missing columns for particular transaction lines. If this occurs, simply amend the missing column data as required, and re-import a transactions file containing only these amended transaction lines.
- Duplicate transaction lines. A transaction line is considered to be a duplicate when the data for all columns in the transaction file match another existing transaction line. Note: The exception to this is the Interface date of two lines can be different and they can still be considered duplicates.
If a CSV has multiple new transactions which are duplicates of one another, one will be imported into the system, and the rest of the duplicates will not. After an attempted import, these duplicates are listed in the unreconciled transactions CSV report.
What’s next?
Transactions file not yet processed? Learn how to view the transaction import status here.
Transactions file complete with no rejected lines? Now learn how to review your transactions reconciliation report here.