Transactions for sales can be uploaded into the Enable platform to calculate special pricing agreement (SPA) support.
This article will guide you through:
- How to manually import sales transactions
- How to use the import transactions wizard for sales
- How to populate the transaction template for sales
Looking for something else?
- Is transactional data handled by your IT team or via SFTP data feeds? Learn about automatically importing sales transactions for SPAs here.
- Importing transactional data for rebate agreements rather than special pricing agreements? Learn about manually importing transactions for trading programs channels here.
- Looking to upload sales as a Collaborator? Learn how to import transactions as a Collaborator here.
- Alternatively, see our Help Center for more on SPAs.
Channel admin users have access to the Config area and transaction uploads within Enable.
To access the import transactions wizard in the Special pricing agreements app:
Step 1: Click on Config in the green banner at the top of the page
Step 2: Click on Import transactions in the drop-down menu.

Sales transaction imports via the wizard are done for each trading partner individually. To upload sales transactions:
Step 1: If your organization is a manufacturer, search by distributor name or reference, select the trading partner you are uploading sales transactions for and click Next. If your organization is a distributor, this step won’t apply in the import wizard.
Step 2: Click to download the sales transactions template. Upon downloading, you will be automatically taken to the Upload step.
Step 3: Populate the template with your sales transactions. For guidance on each of the columns, see how to populate the transaction template for sales below.
Step 4: Drag and drop the completed sales transactions file into the box in the Upload step, or click to browse file selection to upload the completed sales transactions file. Wait for validation to load.
Step 5: Validate your import. This step will display a summary of issues if any exist for the upload, or display give a short summary of your sales transactions if there are no errors.
If there are issues to resolve (example displayed below), you will need to make the relevant amendments to the file, and click Back in the wizard to repeat steps 4 and 5.

If transactions already exist (example displayed below) for the transaction date(s), click on one of the following options:
Yes, replace: Use this to remove the existing sales transactions which exist for this trading partner for the given transaction date(s). The new transactions within the file you are uploading will be added, effectively replacing the existing transactions.
No, add to existing: Use this to retain both the original transactions and new transactions being added.
If no issues exist, use the validation summary to confirm the details are as expected, and click Next.
Step 6: Review details of your import and click Submit for the sales transactions file to import.
Once the transactions template has been downloaded, you will need to populate each row with the following column data. Column headers must not be changed or renamed in the file.
Date: The date of the sale, in the format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2024-01-31 for 31st January 2024.
Distributor Branch (Distributor Branch): The branch reference for the relevant distributor. Note the text in the brackets may vary depending on settings determined during your implementation process.
Delivery Type (Delivery Type): Enter either Distributor delivery or Direct. Note the text in the brackets may vary depending on settings determined during your implementation process.
Product (Product): The reference of the product associated with the sale. Note the text in the brackets may vary depending on settings determined during your implementation process.
End-customer: The reference of the end-customer associated with the sale.
Currency: The currency of the sale, e.g. USD, GBP, CAD or EUR. Each transaction file can only support one currency; if sales need to be imported for different currencies, one transaction file should be used per currency.
(Optional) External reference: A text field you can use to add additional information, often used for audit purposes to align with external systems. This field is only available if configured.
Units: The total number of units for the sale. Units can have no more than 4 decimal places. Tip: Use a negative number for the transaction to be identified as an end-customer return.
Value: The total monetary transacted value of the sale. A value can have no more than 2 decimal places.
(Optional) Interface Date: If enabled in your channel, populate the interface date with the date of the import, in the format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2024-01-31 for 31st January 2024.
(Optional) Order Line Reference: A text field you can use to add additional information, often used for audit purposes to align with external systems.
(Optional) Partner Reference: The distributor/manufacturer reference. This field is optional since the import transactions wizard (see above) provides this information when the sales transactions file is imported.
(Optional) Agreement ID: If required, populate with the SPA reference (displayed on the SPA details page) to which this sales transaction line will earn support against. If this column is populated, the Enable platform will attempt to reconcile against the inputted SPA reference. If this column is not populated, the Enable platform will attempt to match the transaction to a SPA; if a transaction matches to two or more SPAs, the transaction will be matched to the SPA with the earliest end date.
(Optional) Advised Earnings: Allows an expected monetary claim amount to be specified, which will appear in the special pricing support report under distributor estimate; this is typically the earnings a distributor thinks they should be receiving, and therefore rarely generated by a manufacturer. Please note that this is not used for calculating support but is a validation step to ensure alignment. If Advised earnings is populated, then Agreement ID will be mandatory. Advised earnings can have no more than 2 decimal places.
(Optional) Delivery Reference: A text field you can use to add additional information, often used for audit purposes to align with external systems.
(Optional) Invoice Reference: Populate with the receipt number, to be displayed in the quantity and cost/price ledger.
What’s next?
Ready to view the status of your transaction import? Learn how to review transaction logs for SPAs here.
Transactions import completed? Now learn how to review your transactions reconciliation report here.