Transactions are uploaded into the Enable platform to calculate rebate earnings for trading programs.
When transactions are imported into Enable, the upload status can be seen in the Transaction Imports log, providing you with greater visibility into what happens to your transactions once they’ve been imported.
This article will guide you through:
Looking for something else?
- Is transactional data handled by your IT team or via SFTP data feeds? Learn about automatically importing transactions for trading programs here.
- Importing transactional data for special pricing agreements rather than rebate agreements? Learn about manually importing transactions for SPA channels here.
- Trying to generate a report of transactions which have been imported into Enable? Click here to learn how to generate a transactions report for trading programs, or here to generate a transactions report for special pricing agreements.
Channel admin users have access to the Config area and processing transactions within Enable. If you require additional help, please reach out to our support team here.
To access the status of transaction imports:
Step 1: Click on Config in the green banner at the top of the page.
Step 2: Click on Processing in the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Click on the Transaction imports tab.
Tip: You may need to click on … at the end of the visible tabs to display additional tab options.

The table displays a row for each transaction import over the last 30 days.
Click on a column header to sort the log results in ascending or descending order. You can also customize your results by using Filters for import statuses, import types, and processing dates.
The log displays columns with the following details:
- Input filename: The original name of the transaction file imported.
- Status: The current status of the transaction file imported, e.g. File import completed or Calculations completed.
- Started processing: The date and time at which the import began processing.
- Finished processing: The date and time at which the import completed processing.
- Total processing time: The total time taken for the transaction import to complete processing.
- Import type: Manual Import (i.e. transactions uploaded manually), Collaborator Import (i.e. transactions uploaded by your trading partners), or Automated Import (i.e. transactions uploaded automatically via SFTP).
Tip: If the Status displays File import failed, click on the magnifying glass to view the file error message. Use this to ensure that any failed files are rectified and reimported as required.

What’s next?
Transactions import complete? Now learn how to review your transactions reconciliation report here.
Ready to see how much rebate your trading programs are earning? Learn how to generate a program earnings report here.