Partner data contains information regarding the dimensions used by your trading partner in Enable. Dimensions are the elements between your organization and your trading partner’s business that payment is assigned to - some common examples include products and branches.
The Partner data area can be accessed from the bottom of the Transactions homepage.

In the top right, click on Dimensions and select an option to view the items for that dimension, e.g. products.
Once you have selected a dimension, the partner data table will display the following details:
- Name: The name of the item. This could be a product name, branch name, or another type of name, depending on the dimension.
- Reference: This is the reference that must be used in any transaction imports you complete for your trading partner in Enable. Click here to learn more about how to import transactions.
- Partner: The name of your organization.
You can download the primary data list for the dimension selected by clicking the Download CSV button. Alternatively, you can view the data on the collaborator page by using the arrows in the top right to navigate through additional pages.
The Search box can also be used to search for a specific name or reference within the data.